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Please help.Advice needed. At my wits end with 2 labs


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I have 2 labs,just over 3 years old.

For a while I have had intermittent problems with one of the dogs, the dominant one with soiling in the house.

They are walked very often. At about 7am, about 4pm and then let in the garden before bedtime.

I usually take them to the park for the afternoon walk but sometimes if I have other things to do they just get a walk around the block, about 20 minutes.

I am up at this unearthly hour as I have been woken by scratching after Winston the dominant one has weed and pooed all over the kitchen and dining room.

This has gone on for a while and I dont know what to do.

I bought some spray to stop the scent and as I said I walk them often so dont know what to do.

It is affecting my life so much as I find it all very stressful.

I wish that I didnt keep them in the house and wish I had some outdoor structure as they have basically ruined much of the furniture and chewed so many things and all this soiling is making the house smell.

The other dog Monty doesnt seem to have a problem, it is the dominant one.

I have tried different reactions when I come down, from ignoring to scolding him but is makes no difference.


Any advice would help.

I cant afford a dog behaviourist, nor can I afford to construct an out door shelter.

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Chewing can be a result of boredom and understimulation, also a twenty minute walk on lead will not be nearly enough to tire out a three year old lab. I had a friend who's dog used to do protest poos when bored and alone, she tried crating the dog with a couple of toys( kongs are good) when left for longer periods and this worked well. The dog does not want to soil his own bedspace and the toys provide a distraction from boredom. More than anything tired dogs are happy dogs!!

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I really don't think you are exercising them enough, if you were given only 7am, 4pm and bedtime to go to the toilet I think you would have big problems too!

Labs are a working dog breed, they need lost of exercise, they also need company, if you are out from say 8am to 4pm that's 8 hours, that's a very long time in the day, 8 hours at night when sleeping is one thing but 8 hours in the day for 2 high energy dogs will result in destroyed furniture, wee and poo in the house and very frustrated dogs.

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Totally agree they both need alot more exercise, both mental and physical. My Lab is younger but if he doesn't get at least an hour in the morning offlead run he will chew anything!!


A crate will help with the soiling but its more stimulation that will be the biggest help.


Are they left for 8 hours everyday?

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Has the problem dog been checked by a vet to make sure he doesn't have a medical reason for the toileting?


Also are either of them neutered? Just wondered if it could be some sort of hormonal thing making him want to mark? I bet your vet could advise on that too.


Are the poops normal, i.e. not diarrhoea? Perhaps a change of diet could help - some brands you need to feed less and they are more easily digestible so create less poop.


Aside from that have they got lots of things they CAN chew on - stuffed kongs etc? You can lots of different toys designed for mental stimulation. A trainer I visited recommended giving them things they CAN destroy e.g. a cardboard box stuffed with paper with treats in the middle. Anything to keep them busy and not wrecking your stuff :)


I do agree lots of exercise and maybe teaching them some new tricks or something for mental stimulation might help - but you don't say how much they're getting now.


A crate or just confining him to a smaller space overnight might discourage soiling too.

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I really don't think you are exercising them enough, if you were given only 7am, 4pm and bedtime to go to the toilet I think you would have big problems too!

Labs are a working dog breed, they need lost of exercise, they also need company, if you are out from say 8am to 4pm that's 8 hours, that's a very long time in the day, 8 hours at night when sleeping is one thing but 8 hours in the day for 2 high energy dogs will result in destroyed furniture, wee and poo in the house and very frustrated dogs.

agreed ! Have you thought of employing a dog walker for the times you are out? If you Pm me I can recommend a trustworthy lady who is fab with dogs.

I would also look to crate them as a dog will not toilet in their own bed!

I hope things improve.

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I work from home so apart from the odd occasion when I am training( I am trainer and advocate) I am available for these dogs.

When I am out I employ a dog walker.

The dogs are walked usually in the morning about 15 minutes, in the afternoon (4pm)usually about 40 minutes with a long ball thrower in the park, but if I am busy just a 20 minute walk. They then get let out before we go to bed (in the garden).Yesterday they were so tired they found it hard walking back home.

They have had toys and still do have them but are bored. Most of them have been eaten.The indestructible ones that you put treats in the middle and the tug of war ropes I still have.

they do have each other for company and are not ever left longer than 3 and a half hours on their own.

I have gone to the shops for just an hour and come back and they have eaten part of the furniture.

The other thing the dominant one does is he scratches at the downstairs door when he wakes about 6.30 to wake us up.

I never know whether this is attention seeking or desperate for the toilet?


They are both neutered.

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