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Police grab two youths on Granville Road

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Saw a brilliant show of "what not" to do to a police riot van full of coppers !!!

Bottom of granville road and Suffolk road ! Two male students from the college walking towards town... As the van passed them one of the youths did a gun sign pointing towards the bobbies...screetch...coppers jumped out and grabbed the lads and invited them into the paddy wagon !!! Brilliant !!! Well done boys in blue


How do you know that they were students? Do all the other people in that area carry real guns?:roll:

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people today have no respect for police and therefore no respect for society so i,m with the cops on this one they should do it more often .


It is a pathetic over-reaction,and if the same kids did the same to a doctor,nurse or bus driver the police would just laugh it off.The police sometimes pick on soft targets rather like weaker teachers.

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It is a pathetic over-reaction,and if the same kids did the same to a doctor,nurse or bus driver the police would just laugh it off.The police sometimes pick on soft targets rather like weaker teachers.


I never heard anything about the police targeting weak teachers :huh:

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It is a pathetic over-reaction,and if the same kids did the same to a doctor,nurse or bus driver the police would just laugh it off.The police sometimes pick on soft targets rather like weaker teachers.


Don't talk **** ! The respect for the police is dropping ? We need to show the boys an girls in blue they're doing a brilliant job for us all...

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Is anyone aware of which law has been contravened here?

I wonder what evidence the police will present ?

(Sorry your honour, I was pointing to the snow, not pretending to point a gun....)


Waste of time, effort, money. There's plenty of real criminals to catch. That's how to restore confidence and respect in the police.

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people today have no respect for police and therefore no respect for society so i,m with the cops on this one they should do it more often .


support the Police on this


good on the police pity they couldn't give a good clip round the ear hole


Don't talk **** ! The respect for the police is dropping ? We need to show the boys an girls in blue they're doing a brilliant job for us all...


Respect the police,they do a very difficult job


Well said ..... if people had the same respect for authority as we had growing up we wouldnt have the Asbo society we have today.

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Well said ..... if people had the same respect for authority as we had growing up we wouldnt have the Asbo society we have today.


I would love to respect the police if they did something useful. Arresting two people for making gun symbols with their hands is not something useful.


Classic overreaction and if there are any police on here explain why this action is justified. It is a waste of resources they should be looking for criminals not things like this.


Can anyone defend the actual actions of the police on this.

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Is anyone aware of which law has been contravened here?

I wonder what evidence the police will present ?

(Sorry your honour, I was pointing to the snow, not pretending to point a gun....)


Waste of time, effort, money. There's plenty of real criminals to catch. That's how to restore confidence and respect in the police.


public order i should imagine, i got done for that once, plus the obscene publications act for having a swear word painted on my jacket, the ONLY people it seemed to offend were the officers that pulled me up tho. needless to say it got laughed out of court it was so minor, this case is even less of a crime than mine

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