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moggie b

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Everything posted by moggie b

  1. Missing since last Saturday, Betsy, 8 month black n white cat,glencoe rd,duke st area s2. please look out for her, she is chipped but not wearing a collar, Thanks. ---------- Post added 17-03-2014 at 06:26 ---------- Found safe and well x
  2. Betsy still not home, please keep looking guys x
  3. Thanks for that information, hopefully my Betsy will be back home soon. ---------- Post added 09-03-2014 at 17:38 ---------- Betsy still not home, please people in area, look out for her x
  4. Missing since last night, black n white cat answers to Betsy, glencoe rd,duke st area, she's only 8 months old and not used to being outside, not wearing collar but microchipped, please help me find her x
  5. Bess is Home,fantastic news,what a gorgeous little lady,please Bess do not come to my work place again,stay at home,much safer xxx
  6. I last saw dog at 6am in bushes in Dixons carpark,do hope she is re-united with owner asap.
  7. Deborah its your dog,if you if go to dixons call centre area its roaming about there near the police station.Last night myself and a special constable spent 2,5hours trying to catch her but shes so frightened. ---------- Post added 22-12-2012 at 13:45 ---------- If you go to dixons call centre via Bernard street not parkway and drive into carpark where police station is thats where Deborahs dog was. ---------- Post added 22-12-2012 at 13:49 ---------- Dog is in Dixons call centre area,drive into carpak and hopefully shes stil there. ---------- Post added 22-12-2012 at 13:53 ---------- Debbie its your dog,if you drive into Dixons call centre car park,hopefully she wol stil be there.
  8. Collie type dog loose on parkway at midnight managed to cross road to dixons call centre,police informed but no one available to catch,stil there at 6am and is soaking wet,scared and dicing with death on the parkway.
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