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Hi its with deep regret

Meter Man

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Nigel you are a true hero and always will be.I know how much heartsearching it must have taken for you to decide this and I salute you for having saved so many dogs.Maybe you could think about joining another rescue just doing what you love without any of the day to day hassle of paperwork,money ect?.

Thankyou from me for all your hard work and dedication but I totally understand that sometimes we have to make choices and its for your own sanity as well.

Bless you and I wish you well xxxxxx

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Sorry to hear that Nigel, must have been a tough decision and one not taken lightly and without thought. I salute ANYONE who works in rescue, it's a thankless job, there's so many poor dogs and cats and other animals that need people like you. You've done a wonderful job for the time you have been running, don't feel down, feel proud you have saved those you have saved. It's not a very nice word that we live in and so many people see dogs and other pets as throw away items, get bored, get rid, someone else will sort it out. It's a sad state of affairs.

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I don't know you personally Nigel, but I don't think I have to, to know you are a kind, gentle soul, who has more compassion is his heart than 99.99% of the population.


God bless you


I couldn't have put it better myself


:thumbsup: Nigel, your a top man

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Hi guys , i feel i must explain , i dont want to close the rescue if it can be avoided ,yesterdays posting happend whilst i was having a very emotional breakdown following having driven to Halifax to pick 4 dogs up that where ,as i was told going tobe put down at 3pm yesturday,When someone knew that they were in danger over a week ago,I was anoyed at the fact that it was me that had to collect the dogs for a rescue that hadnt got places for any of the ten dogs i had taken out before xmasyet had space for these dogs ?. i got the feeling of good old nige hell get them ,you know the feeling i guess . I felt abused in a way that these people knew the struggles im having yet took me away from trying to find a solution, to pick dogs up that they had known about . Right so how do things stand now welluntil i get things sorted the rescue will remain closed to incoming dogs& i will now not be able to help other rescues for a while i will where possible help to find missing dogs if possible due to transport .If theres a diesel fitter out there that knows owt about transits that would be willing to donate his time then maybe i could bounce back but with limitations.i can not tell you how bad i felt yesturday ,when on top of all that was going on i kept hearing well we told you so,your taking on too much ,but you know me i love dogs.So can i ask for your understanding & good wishes & may be i can salvage some of my life .thanks hope you understand.


ps whilst i have your attention can i thank Nichols 5 & rain rescue for the loan of a van to enable yesturdays run even though they wernt involved .thanks

Edited by Meter Man
ps addition
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Ooooh- not telling you until the day before they're going to be put to sleep is a really sneaky trick that I think has been played on us by most of the pounds at one time or another. It would be so easy to give a rescue a 4 or 5 day period of notice, which can be cancelled if they get rehomed but which would give the rescue time to find funds, volunteers and the like in good time rather than lurching from one emergency to another. I know that the pounds have other jobs to do on busy days, but I think that preventing dogs from being put to sleep unless they are so sick that they really need for it to happen should be their priority.


I hope you find a diesel mechanic who can be persuaded to donate his time (that's what I do- I give time, knowledge and advice because I can't give money) and that there aren't many parts needed. Even better, I hope that you find a parts supplier or garage who will sponsor your van in return for their name being put on your van and paperwork. I'm sure that would make a huge difference to whether you can find the funds to keep going, but you will still have to find a way of coping with not being able to help them all- it can be a dreadfully stressful thing even without all of the other horrid things happening in rescue at the moment.


Good luck :) If you need an ear feel free to call me.

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I think that when you have a big heart it's very hard to say 'No' and then you put yourself at risk of crumbling under the strain. Sometimes we can only make a small difference - but it is a difference. Hold your head up Nigel, you've got a lot of friends on here who have immense regard for the work you've done.

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I've got my car in the local garage tomorrow. Me and my other half have taken our cars there for years. I can ask if they will have a look at the van free of charge to see what is wrong with it. If it's not a huge job I'll be cheeky and ask if they'll do the work for free and only charge for parts. Might be able to have a whip round to sort it. How does that sound???

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