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Tennis Elbow - Tenease


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Just been there, cos its 1st time i've had it just said take painkillers and see how it goes, but the niggling pain is annoying.


Need to get it sorted b4 the fishing match animal lol


lol i went to doc he gave me a choice,painkiller route or steroid in the joint hurts like no other pain mate but when it's gone bout 24 hours your elbow feels brandnew !! go back tell him you want it i suffered for ages with it,takes a min lasts for years !!

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Don't believe the stories of the injection being the cure.

Yes for some that is all that is needed.

"once it's done it's done".....Best of luck with that.


I had the injection..once.

Fine for an hour, then Jeeez, it hurts.

It didn't sort the problem.


Had a surgical operation...yes that hurts too...but problem solved.

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I bought a tenease two months ago and I still have tennis elbow. I don't think it works but as I bought it within a week of being diagnosed with tennis elbow I wouldn't know.


Wicker Chemist has them in stock.


I was doing exercises I found on you tube but then went to my Chiropractitioner and he found out which muscle is effected and gave me the right exercises. The wrong exercises was doing more harm than good.


As for steroids, I will avoid those unless I have no choice.


What does surgery involve and how long to recover?

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