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Sadness at daughter growing up

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Mid teens are a difficult age, they need to separate from you in order to find their own identities. You have to keep reaching out to her, so that the distance does not become entrenched. Have meals together, walks together, let her know that you are on her side, help her plan her future. She will come back to you in the next couple of years, the family love much stronger than before.

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Talk to her....tell her how you feel. I have daughters...very busy with their own lives but they are my best friends too. At least once every week I text them if I haven't seen them and just say 'how are you'.A quick text chat usually follows and always ends with the words 'I love you'

We meet at every opportunity and I am proud to be a part of their lives.

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All brilliant replies - many thanks its good to know that other people have experienced it, as for texting her blackberry ? well thats been worn out after 10 months of the dreaded fb, she's a good girl, no sportswear in sight, she plays guitar and loves indie music and ska (from me) she loves going to gigs and cinema and hillsborough (tho not with me anymore) with her friends who are all good girls.

The latest is she doesn't want to go on holiday next year, she wants the money so she can go to a festival instead, guess I'll get the photos out from hols of the past - ps I make sure she gives me kiss every time she sees me and when she goes out, in front of whoever and i've told her there's no way that is changing :)

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In one respect you have done your job as a parent teaching them to be independant and responsible,thats what we do to prepare them for life.They do get closer as they get older,its kinda like the saying i hear."if i knew how much mum worried i would have called more,not come home late" ect as teenagers they dont realize how we worry.

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ps dont forget to tell her how proud you of her ...no matter how independant they think they are they do still like to hear it..you sound like a loving parent i think you,ll be fine...virtual hugs hun xx

Edited by annb3811
meant to write parent not mother oops sorry
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almost constantly at my side for her first 14 years and when not with me txts and phone calls all the time, now almost nothing - i knew this time would come and braced myself for it but it still doesn't make it any easier - sad is not in it :(


It is sad,. but they do come back,think back to when you were that age,were you the same i know i was.

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almost constantly at my side for her first 14 years and when not with me txts and phone calls all the time, now almost nothing - i knew this time would come and braced myself for it but it still doesn't make it any easier - sad is not in it :(


Got to grow up sometime and face the big bad world.

"She'll Be Back"

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great replies but i'm her dad not her mum, her mum does not live with me and shes as hard as pat butcher (r.i.p) but has done a great job with her nonetheless especially with the eyelash extensions (first time today) and make up and beautifications etc :):):)

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