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Yes! Lib Dem calls to ban page 3

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Have some respect to read the flow of the thread and the argument put forward here. If you did not mean what you say, and nor did Mr Moron means what he said, then do not misquote and interject with comments in an action to oppose the points !

Where do you get this stuff from? Show me a post where I've said that I don't mean what I say!


The assumptions and judgments made are about women ! As a women, surely, I know how a woman feels when harrassed. Yet, you supported Mr Moron here and he too was dumbfoundedly argued that is not the case as it is NOT harassment. What kind of planet are you guys from??? How bloomin obtuse and rude can you get ?


Potty Kettly madness!!!!

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This just shows how out of touch the Libdems are. While they're attacking an inoffensive daily newspaper for showing a half-naked pretty girl, the real misogynists are busy downloading hardcore porn on their iphones and laptops with no safeguards or government regulation whatsoever. Why aren't the feminists up in arms about that instead?

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This just shows how out of touch the Libdems are. While they're attacking an inoffensive daily newspaper for showing a half-naked pretty girl, the real misogynists are busy downloading hardcore porn on their iphones and laptops with no safeguards or government regulation whatsoever. Why aren't the feminists up in arms about that instead?


Very good point. There are some horrific things on the web but apparently a girl doing nothing worse than you see on the beach is absolutely offensive. Typicos Lib Dem, know they can't do anything about the big issues so fiddle round the edges with an easy target. Must have been so much better for them in the days when they could just say anything cos nobody thought they would get in.

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This just shows how out of touch the Libdems are. While they're attacking an inoffensive daily newspaper for showing a half-naked pretty girl, the real misogynists are busy downloading hardcore porn on their iphones and laptops with no safeguards or government regulation whatsoever. Why aren't the feminists up in arms about that instead?

Maybe cos these are the roots that causes those stupid trees to grow ? Sexualisation of people, papers reporting any old rubbish, and readers get brainwashed by them as well... all the rest.


People don't stop to think about their own actions, and just go along blindly cos it makes them feel good. :roll: Rather than stopping and thinking about what this is about and seeing, and doing something that adds value to society. Hm...


If anyone touches the subject of porn, won't the men put up a big fight about that, even though it is pretty sleezy in my eyes too ? All you need is someone with a "but it serves a purpose"... Often than not, those arguments turn into stupid silly ones of, "if it does not exist in society, then women will be in danger" or something of that sort of talks would be implied. :roll:

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Where do you get this stuff from? Show me a post where I've said that I don't mean what I say!


Potty Kettly madness!!!!


Well, show me where "I" have said something that I don't mean to say, but you screws up MY intent any way ! Myself and Suffragette1 was on the same page on those points. Exactly why did you and Mr Moron just misquote, misunderstands and make it all dramatic?


Such antagonisms....

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If anyone touches the subject of porn, won't the men put up a big fight about that, even though it is pretty sleezy in my eyes too ? All you need is someone with a "but it serves a purpose"... Often than not, those arguments turn into stupid silly ones of, "if it does not exist in society, then women will be in danger" or something of that sort of talks would be implied. :roll:

Genuine question, but is English your first language? I'm having huge trouble understanding you.

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