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Why do some people believe in aliens

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Sentient immortal machine life is inevitable you say? I'd say that's very far fetched.

I’d say it’s likely, given time and a technological civilisation.


Then you talk about how this machine life will soon start casually travelling the galaxy, why would they do this?

Why wouldn’t they, they’ve got forever. I assume they will explore until variety runs out.


And then you cap it off with the whole secret intergalactic federation and a very star trek-like first contact fantasy? Come on man that's pure sci fi! I'd read the book, for sure, but it does not sound at all plausible to me.

Hey, you leave my god replacement fantasies alone.


Also, the Drake equation is brilliant, it really opened my mind when my dad first showed it to me as a teen, before that I had pretty much thought that earth was special.


Today I got 12 as my answer, which isn't too bad by my reckoning, but unfortunately doesn't give me particularly good odds for being alive if and when we ever get a message :mad:. Then again, it'll probable just be some crappy low rent reality tv show from Nibiru! ;)

I agree, the Drake equation is an interesting thought experiment even if gives a huge range of answers (~10^21). As powers of ten go our answers so far are remarkably close.


I keep forgetting about Planet X/Nibiru destroying the world next year. By my belief our AI overlords will step in to avert disaster so it’s not worrying me.


Incidentally, have you played the Mass Effect videogames?


No, but if I get a new games PC it looks like fun. Not quite my vision of the future though.

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I heared once that theres not enough evidence to support the existence of UFOs, but some scientist or other said that theres more than enough of it, ok not bits of spaceships or dead aliens, but everything else, such as reports by astronauts, coppers, airforce personnel and many others, plus excellent film footage- some UFOs have been filmed by as many as up to 60 people in different parts of a city, the footage has been closely examined and theres no doubt that the object or objects filmed were nothing that could be identified.


If that much evidence was used in a court of law, it`d be more then enough to send someone to the electric chair. If someone killed someone and hid the body and he was filmed and seen by god knows how many credible witnesses then a body isnt needed as evidence- same with UFOs aparrantly.

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If that much evidence was used in a court of law, it`d be more then enough to send someone to the electric chair. If someone killed someone and hid the body and he was filmed and seen by god knows how many credible witnesses then a body isnt needed as evidence- same with UFOs aparrantly.


Not quite, I'm, sure you could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that people say something wierd in the sky that they could not identify, A UFO. UFO's exist, obviously! What you certainly could not prove by the standard of a court of law that these UFOs were extra-terrestrial in origin.

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Not quite, I'm, sure you could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that people say something wierd in the sky that they could not identify, A UFO. UFO's exist, obviously! What you certainly could not prove by the standard of a court of law that these UFOs were extra-terrestrial in origin.


Yeah but by the same token can people prove they arent extra terrestrial by origin...?


Its a fascinating subject for me, is this- not only for the potential of learning about new phenomena in the sly but also for the way people react- how entire societys react. Mexico city is a great example, they have loads of these sightings each week and have had them since the mid 90s- just about everyone there has seen something and that includes air force pilots and police officers, even their president.


Most of these people are well able to identify objects in the sky as birds, balloons, planets and what have you but are utterly stumped by 90% of the things that are reported there.

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Indeed it does mean something. It means that those calculations were made using low estimates at every step of the way, instead of realistic ones.


Calculations which mean nothing...


And there ARE no realistic ones - we're not yet capable of obtaining sufficient data to say any way!

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