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Apple scrompin, backin it,knock and run

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I think its a bit like cottaging.


still no clearer...hedgehopping is exactly what it implies...running down a street of (usually private and enclosed) gardens and p@@@ing off as many people as possible.

I once fell thru a garage roof whilst hegehopping and the guy was in there...chased me for 2 hours and eventually caught me...guess what.

Guy made come back the next day and help fix the roof, then made me cut his grass and hedges for 2 weeks...good fun and a fair outcome all around methinks...

Back to the original point....Backin and cottagin??????

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backin it - doing the hurdles over everyones back gardens at night, depends where you're from i suppose as to what you called it - hedging it or hedge hopping were other names for it, knock an run some people call knock a door run etc scrompin, scrumpin its all the same !!!!!!!!!!!


We used to call it 'cat walking' but we went along the dividing walls between two roads (terraced houses) we had to climb over the outside Kharzies to get the whole way to the other end!!

If someone opened a door it was like a searchlight going on, a bloke once saw us and threw the bin at us!!, we were like whippets in those days though and never got caught..It's strange how much faster you can run when you're being chased :hihi::hihi:



Biggsy :)

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We used to call it 'cat walking' but we went along the dividing walls between two roads (terraced houses) we had to climb over the outside Kharzies to get the whole way to the other end!!

If someone opened a door it was like a searchlight going on, a bloke once saw us and threw the bin at us!!, we were like whippets in those days though and never got caught..It's strange how much faster you can run when you're being chased :hihi::hihi:



Biggsy :)


Oh to be 13 again................

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Why don't kids do this any more? instead of hanging on street corners or outside shops getting drunk and terrorising old folk.

These were me and my mates favourite pastimes, (after football) for out of school activities and to our knowledge we never hurt anyone or caused any damage to anything.


Its because it requires a little more effort and imagination,and also we never had enough to buy drink.To many the spillov.er damage is a bonus today

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