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The Shakespere on Shalesmoor


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This is not a night out thread. The Shakespere on Shalesmoor is being refitted and the word is it's going to reopen as a real ale pub and join the Kelham circuit. Apparently it's going to be run by a landlord who really knows his stuff. Anyone been keeping tabs on this and know when the opening night is?

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This is not a night out thread. The Shakespere on Shalesmoor is being refitted and the word is it's going to reopen as a real ale pub and join the Kelham circuit. Apparently it's going to be run by a landlord who really knows his stuff. Anyone been keeping tabs on this and know when the opening night is?


Shame it ever closed.


Hope the new venture really takes off.

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if you cant be bothered to click the link...


The Shakespeare on Gibraltar Street

(between West Bar and Kelham Island/

Shalesmoor), remains closed and boarded

up after Punch Taverns decided they

didn’t want it anymore and put it up for

sale. However, the pub has been bought

by William Wagstaff, who is the landlord

of the New Beehive Inn at Bradford. This

was a pub in a sorry state when he took

it over in 1989 and he has spent the last

22 years restoring it! William suggests

he is obviously a sucker for punishment

but can think of nothing more important

or satisfying than giving an endangered

pub a new lease of life. He promises the

Shakespeare is in a safe pair of hands

and will not lack for the much needed

investment and enthusiasm.

The Shakespeare is to become a cask ale

pub with the same policy as the other Don

Valley pubs, which of course is to offer

a wide range of largely micro brewery

products. The pub is to be restored as

close as possible to its original form as

well as extending the drinking areas and

bringing the archway from an outside to

an inside area.

As you can imagine, one man cannot

run two pubs in different cities, so they

are looking to recruit a manager for the

Shakespeare that shares the owner’s vision

for the pub. If you would be interested in

the job please contact William Wagstaff

by phone on 07984 759119 or email at


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I notice the owner's name is William Wagstaff, which given the way names were written in those days, is the same name as 'William Shakespeare'. I wonder if that influenced his choice of pub at all.


Anyway, it was a good pub in its last incarnation and the building clearly has a lot of potential, so I look forward to it. The one he has in Bradford looks very nice in the photos.

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