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Waterstones prat / kindle

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I have always adored books, just the smell of a new book can make me a happy bunny. I volunteered in a library for years. But I also have a Kindle, and I adore it. I will always want to own the special books that I love, but the Kindle is just fantastic, so light, portable and easy to hold - long gone are the days where my arm is killing because I'm reading a huge book!

The guy in the shop is probably just fearful for his job. They need to move with the times, I'm afraid.

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I have the kindle reader installed on my iphone.


In the 4 months I've had it there I've read 61 books. In year prior I read 5.


The Kindle concept has increased my reading, that has got to be good. Also... my daughter loves her Kindle.

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I've been thinking about getting a kindle purely for reading novels on. I find getting comfy in bed with a novel is all well and good until it comes to turning a page over when re-positioning is required. BUT......I bet kindle's don't bounce very well when the reader nods off holding it. :hihi:


I have several books which I often have to flip back and forth for reference etc......you can't do that with a kindle. I wouldn't imagine that images on a kindle can equal those in a book either.


At the end of the day there's obviously a place for a kindle but I doubt it will ever replace books entirely. I hope not anyhow. :)

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Well Kindles are brilliant for what you might call 'disposable books'; basically paperbacks. It's great to be able to carry your entire holiday reading on an aeroplane without worrying about weight restrictions.


Sadly the Kindle would not be very useful as a disposable book like a paperback when travelling, the read pages of a disposable paperback book can be used as toilet paper, I would find it difficult to clean my backside with a Kindle.

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He had a right go at me, saying that books were great and that i'm ruining book shops. Aaaaarrrrggghhhhh

Just wondering if anyone else has a kindle and what are their thoughts? I love mine, it's the best thing my fella has ever bought me :)


I've had this argument with a friend of mine! I have to say, that as a book lover, I agree with him completely. It's a bit like the comparison between vinyl records and CD's - there's nothing like the feel of a book in your hands. There's something about knowing there's a whole world inside the cover that you can escape into. Besides, who's going to take a kindle to the beach and get sand all over it?!

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I'm a huge book lover, but its starting to get silly the amount of books I have, theres only so many places in a house you can put another bookcase!

I'm contemplating asking the hubby for a kindle for christmas, I never thought I'd want one, but I have a lot of books I don't want to get rid of, in case I want to read them again, yet are just taking up valuable space in a house with 3 children!

I do have favourites I'd never get rid of in book form though!

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and there is me thinking that waterstones had got a new reader called a prat :rolleyes:




I love books. I love the smell, the feel and the turning of the pages of them.

I hope there will always be a place for them. I think its very similar to the photography debate over digital and analogue. If it re popularises reading then surely it can only be a good thing?

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Books are beautiful, cheap and work anywhere where there's light. In this case technology needs to learn to complement the existing, not try and replace it.


I agree; and reading a book is a pleasantly tactile experience too. I look forward to a time when you'll be able to enter a backstreet shop full of musty old Kindles.


Sadly the Kindle would not be very useful as a disposable book like a paperback when travelling, the read pages of a disposable paperback book can be used as toilet paper, I would find it difficult to clean my backside with a Kindle.


I'm sure someone out there is working on an App this very minute.

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