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Sheffield half marathon

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Very well done to all participants! I was gadding about on my bike cheering you all on, especially jimboin :love: , who was running for Macmillan Cancer Support. Hats off to all of you, and I hope that those who needed medical assistance are fully recovered. It always seem to be the young males who collapse after pushing themselves too far.

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It was my first run in Sheffield this years as well and I've got to say wow! The whole event does Sheffield proud!


Fantastic atmosphere and everyone envolved from competitors, organisors, volunteers and spectators contributed to an amazing experiance. It just goes to show that Sheffield can do things as well as Leeds, Machester et al when it wants to.

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I hope that at least some of the people who helped out in even the smallest way read this thread, as I'd like to pass my thanks onto them for their support and encouragement.


The race wouldn't be possible without you, so THANK YOU!

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I was a marshall in the stadium and was standing just after the 400m to go sign at the top. I marshall every year and it`s always a good day. i`ve run it a few times but much prefer marshalling it. well done to everyone that finished it.

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