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Sheffield Half Marathon 2011 - Megathread


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Money is more of an issue than some may think. I suspect the Great Run organisers have more clout when getting freebies and doing deals with the companies who provide some of the facilities we take for granted. A lot of cones and barriers have to be placed around the course. We know South Yorkshire Police are getting tougher on sports organisers paying bigger contributions when providing extra officers. I know ambulances are provided by St John's as well as the NHS services, but don't know who pays for them to be on call. Then there's Don Valley Stadium. Although runners pay a fee much is still provided by the sponsors, in this event's case a lot by SIG.


However, that 3,000 figure looks suspect. I'm curious to know why the entry process on Runner's World only allows Fun Run entries whilst the Run Britain site accepted mine for the full event - although no runners are yet recorded on the Sheffield Half Marathon's "Am I entered?" page of the website. Hopefully all will become more clear in a week or two.

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Nick Marwood on the Runner's World event thread states:


The event currently has the same entry limit as 2010 that is 5,500 runners. There does seem to be a problem with entering through Runners World at the moment, we have contacted Runners World to resolve this problem as soon as possible! Entries can be made through the sheffieldmarathon web site.
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Was really disappointed when I saw the date of this year's Sheffield half as it clashes with the Edinburgh marathon.

Was really looking forward to running it - it was my first ever half marathon last year, and I enjoyed it so much that since then I've gone on to do two more halves as well as the full 26.2.

If anyone's tempted to try it as their fist half marathon, I couldn't recommend it more. It's not as flat as some, but it's about a flat a route as you're ever going to find in Sheffield and the stadium finish is fantastic.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The marathon season schedules are really tight like you say Edinburgh and its running festival next year coming and earlier this year it was London. To go with the climate the South marathons sould be early and the Northern running events later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

As part of the organising committee for the Sheffield Half Marathon I would like to clarify that the race limit for the 2012 race remains at 5,500 - the same as previous years.


We would still recommend that those who are planning on entering the race do so soon as last year saw the fastest sign-up rate in the race’s history.

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