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Sad old gits thread..

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I know what you mean. Me owd mam worked her fingers to the bone for us fer donkey's years, then died just like that. Bloody inconsiderate, I say.


Some people think of nothin but themselves.


She,s got this man flu from China and squeals like a stuck pig when i ask for a cup o tea,she's got to move anyway to fetch her prescription,so why the fuss;


If she'd got my piles she'd know what real pain is,i'm sure when she is putting my ointment on or clearing up my little mishaps she is laughing behind my back.


They should never have done away with conscription.

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To think i nearly donated half a crown to help little toerags like this.


Tsk Tsk.


Ay. They don't know what half a crown is nowadays. Y' could ger a tram to Bramall Lane see t' Blades win like they did every week 'ave fish and chips, get bladdered in t' Marples, an hour at t' Crystal Suite and a tram 'ome.....and still 'ave change.

Edited by maxyross
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