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State multiculturalism has failed, says David Cameron

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Cameron:"We've got to make sure that people learn English, and we've got to make sure that kids are taught British history properly at school."



I think it might be best to leave the history lesson out of this one David.



I mean really... you'll have to omit vaste tracts of British history if you don't want to radicalise people even more.



For example you'll have to leave out every reference to British imperialism; the theft of resouces from other lands, the piracy, the exploitation and subjegation of whole nations, of course Britains involvement in the slave trade will have to be left out (isn't the wealth of most of the House of Lords based on slavery?), this is all before we get to the policy of genocide..... the Zulus, the Irish (1 million dead in 2 years), the Indians (30 million in 1877), the Kenyans, the list goes on and on.

When you have finished running what I assume to be your country down ,why not look into the history of your beloved muslim controlled countries and their records of genocide ,racism slavery etc ..your ok you wont have to go back in time so far,in fact have a look whats happening in some countries in the year 2011.

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Cameron:"We've got to make sure that people learn English, and we've got to make sure that kids are taught British history properly at school."



I think it might be best to leave the history lesson out of this one David.



I mean really... you'll have to omit vaste tracts of British history if you don't want to radicalise people even more.



For example you'll have to leave out every reference to British imperialism; the theft of resouces from other lands, the piracy, the exploitation and subjegation of whole nations, of course Britains involvement in the slave trade will have to be left out (isn't the wealth of most of the House of Lords based on slavery?), this is all before we get to the policy of genocide..... the Zulus, the Irish (1 million dead in 2 years), the Indians (30 million in 1877), the Kenyans, the list goes on and on.


history is nothing to be afraid of, i don't think. the opposite, in fact. i did British history back in the old country. if it taught me anything it was that all nations rise and fall, and rise again. and that each generation has its own idea of what's right. they're not all the same. the same with the history of every other nation i did.

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You've interviewed every single asian person and they all confirmed they don't want integration?

And you've interviewed everyone and they have confirmed they want to integrate ? Iv probably had a lot more dealings with Asians than your ever likely too

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Cameron is playing to the 'blue rinse' Tory brigade, desperately attempting to make up for his appalling weakness in giving the EU more money, when he said that he would cut our contribution. He is also giving convicted prisoners the vote - when he said that it made him feel "physically ill".


This is just a stunt to appeal to the Tory weak of mind, to make up for his failures...

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