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Mark 'Mozaz' Wallis - 1/08/65 - 23/01/11

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It is with a huge amount of sadness that I have to report that Mozaz (Mark Wallis) left us at 3:05am today. He has been critically ill in intensive care with swine flu and pneumonia.


Mozaz was a unique character known to many in Sheffield and beyond. In his many guises he was a writer, poet, excellent photographer, historian, Urbexer and anarchaic activist. He was also a class one pain in the backside who had a real talent for rubbing people up the wrong way -you either loved him or couldn't stand him!! Either way, he made his own very unique mark on a huge amount of people.


Myself and a solid group of his friends were with him through to the very end and are completely devastated.


Whatever you thought to Mozaz, there was just something about him. His passion and conviction for the things he believed in and were important to him I have never seen the likes of in anyone else. I hope people will remember him with affection and if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!! Please remember, to those who really knew him he was much loved.



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I just want to say an enormous thank you to the amazing staff at Critical Care at the NGH, particularly Ed and Tony who treated him with so much dignity and kindness. I know that Tony posts on here as we discovered through chats that we all had friends/aquaintances in common. You two helped us, his friends such a lot and we felt safe leaving him with you.


Thank you just doesn't even seem enough.

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i had the pleasure of meeting mark a few times through my life .. first time was when we in shirecliffe house as kids and he was unique way back then. then again a few years ago through a job role. he was always one that stuck to his principles. the most recent time i saw him was at a photgraphy exibition in the winter gardens. RIP xx

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i had the pleasure of meeting mark a few times through my life .. first time was when we in shirecliffe house as kids and he was unique way back then. then again a few years ago through a job role. he was always one that stuck to his principles. the most recent time i saw him was at a photgraphy exibition in the winter gardens. RIP xx


"Unique" is a very good, and description for Mozaz. He certainly was without equal. :D

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WOW - worked with him when he was homeless in the mid 80s and I was a hostel worker - he was one of a kind, incredibly intelligent and a pain in the arse of a scale I have never come across before or since - I really liked him despite his (successful) attempts to drive me round the bend - not seen him for some years and am deeply saddened by this news - one of sheffield's true characters - very very sad.

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WOW - worked with him when he was homeless in the mid 80s and I was a hostel worker - he was one of a kind, incredibly intelligent and a pain in the arse of a scale I have never come across before or since - I really liked him despite his (successful) attempts to drive me round the bend - not seen him for some years and am deeply saddened by this news - one of sheffield's true characters - very very sad.


i came acress him while working in housing as well when he had painted his whole house black but as you say incredibly intelligent and a pain but not in a nasty way.. another one of sheffields charaters has gone. it has shaken me as same age and we shared some of our childhood in shirecliffe house.

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It is with a huge amount of sadness that I have to report that Mozaz (Mark Wallis) left us at 3:05am today. He has been critically ill in intensive care with swine flu and pneumonia.


Mozaz was a unique character known to many in Sheffield and beyond. In his many guises he was a writer, poet, excellent photographer, historian, Urbexer and anarchaic activist. He was also a class one pain in the backside who had a real talent for rubbing people up the wrong way -you either loved him or couldn't stand him!! Either way, he made his own very unique mark on a huge amount of people.


Myself and a solid group of his friends were with him through to the very end and are completely devastated.


Whatever you thought to Mozaz, there was just something about him. His passion and conviction for the things he believed in and were important to him I have never seen the likes of in anyone else. I hope people will remember him with affection and if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all!! Please remember, to those who really knew him he was much loved.




sorry to hear this :(

Rivelin and taxman told me the news this morning.

I've known Mozaz since the mid 80s along with the other sheffield anarchists such as Barns, Jesus, Joel and Sue.

In the late 80s / early 90s he hung around with me and mi mates most of the time around pitsmoor and town.

He was there to help organise a leaving do for me when i left sheff, up pitsmoor where some of the members of blind mole rat came.

Saw him a few times when i came back to sheffield but not was often as i shouldve.


I agree he was a great guy, his heart was in the right place, but he did have a tendancy to rub people up the wrong way.


He was a completely obsessed anarchist and anti fascist which got him into a lot of scrapes with the police and fash, he was listed on redwatch for quite a few years.


R.I.P youll be missed


another one bites the dust :(


let us know when the funeral is and ill see if i can get down, not sure yet

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