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ADHD or Just Naughty kids "the Star"

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:hihi: The 'Sibon Cure'. Certainly needs bottling does that. To think you had it sussed and all the while it went over everyone's head.


If you read the research, you will see that I have a similar level of proof as many psychologists. :D


They haven't really got a clue either.

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ADHD and 'Aspberger's Syndrome' are largely side effects of the medicalisation of social and public life, so that virtually every kind of personal deficiency is now classified as a medical condition of some kind, requiring special dispensations and the help of 'support workers'. Indeed, we appear to have reached the stage where any badly behaved child, or anybody with a mild eccentricity or a seemingly odd personality trait can be labelled as having a 'condition'. This is responsible for the emergence of new vested interests which perpetuate and promote these dubious 'illnesses'. Moreover, it is also responsible for the widespread dispensation of powerful, and possibly damaging, drugs to children. When I lived in the US, I well remember a frequent topic of conversation between groups of parents was the dosage of Ritalin being given to their offspring.

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ADHD and 'Aspberger's Syndrome' are largely side effects of the medicalisation of social and public life, so that virtually every kind of personal deficiency is now classified as a medical condition of some kind, requiring special dispensations and the help of 'support workers'. Indeed, we appear to have reached the stage where any badly behaved child, or anybody with a mild eccentricity or a seemingly odd personality trait can be labelled as having a 'condition'. This is responsible for the emergence of new vested interests which perpetuate and promote these dubious 'illnesses'. Moreover, it is also responsible for the widespread dispensation of powerful, and possibly damaging, drugs to children. When I lived in the US, I well remember a frequent topic of conversation between groups of parents was the dosage of Ritalin being given to their offspring.


You make a good point. I despair at the number of kids that I meet who are doped to the eyeballs on ritalin. Most of them simply need some good parenting.


But drugs are the answer... right:suspect:

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ADHD is a myth. Mostly from parents ignoring their children and lack of discipline. Then they give them drugs to 'calm them down' and they become reliant on the drug just to keep them 'normal' thus escalating the problem.


Allot of chavs seem to have this scotch mist.

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In my daytime job, I meet a fair few families with labelled children. Some do clearly have problems. But mainly its a lack of positive interaction with the parents and other children. TV and video games are now the new parents. I've visited families on beautiful sunny days to find the 4 year old, nose pressed against the 45inch tv, in a darkend room playing a gaming console. When really he needed positive stimulation and interaction with mum and dad out in the sunshine, perhaps playing with other neighbours children.


All too comman this keeps happening. I'm no medical expert, but has anyone thought that some of a childs behaviour as well as being formed by nurture (social conditioning, could also be a personality trate. Some parents do, do all the right things, but still have difficult children. Its part of the childs personality, and not just a disease to be doped up.

Edited by retrogo
Sorry for the spelling mistakes, i was Labelled an adult dyslexic lol
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ADHD and 'Aspberger's Syndrome' are largely side effects of the medicalisation of social and public life, so that virtually every kind of personal deficiency is now classified as a medical condition of some kind, requiring special dispensations and the help of 'support workers'. Indeed, we appear to have reached the stage where any badly behaved child, or anybody with a mild eccentricity or a seemingly odd personality trait can be labelled as having a 'condition'. This is responsible for the emergence of new vested interests which perpetuate and promote these dubious 'illnesses'. Moreover, it is also responsible for the widespread dispensation of powerful, and possibly damaging, drugs to children. When I lived in the US, I well remember a frequent topic of conversation between groups of parents was the dosage of Ritalin being given to their offspring.


An intelligible post from you as always LordChaverley.

I think these conditions undoubtedly do exist, but I think there are probably far more that 'supposedly' have it that really really have it. I personally know somebody who is always saying they think their kid has ADHD. I always bite my tongue because I don't want to point out to them that actually they always give her everything she wants, she's totally spoilt, and there's no discipline, so often I think ADHD is an excuse for poor parenting.


This coupled with the publicity it gets and the seemingly ever lowering of the threshold at which one can assume a child has whatever condition (not necessarily medically confirmed) provides alternate reasons for certain behaviour traits whilst ignoring possibly more uncomfortable truths closer to home.


PS this is not intended to be against anybody that has been diagnosed with ADHD, but there are some parents go on about their child having this condition without ever having taken them to the doctor.

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I'm sure that it isn't easy living with a child who genuinely has ADHD. They just aren't that common.


I routinely cure "ADHD" in my classroom with the following phrase: "Could you possibly reserve your ADHD in your <insert subject here> lesson. It isn't welcome here". That one phrase is effective in about 90% of cases. The rest are genuine.


I suppose that could work for other conditions too, how about this?


I routinely cure Asthma with the following phrase: "Could you possibly reserve your Asthma in your P.E lesson. It isn't welcome here". That one phrase is effective in about 90% of cases. The rest are genuine.


Chastising a child in public for a diagnosed medical condition, that must really boost their self esteem.

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I don't have any figures, but I do have a bit of experience dealing with young people.


I've met quite a few kids labelled with ADHD who are nothing but badly behaved. They are usually over indulged by their parents.


I've met others who have quite obvious and disturbing problems. They need very special care and attention and no little amount of patience.


I've absolutely no doubt that ADHD does exist. I've equally no doubt that many parents use it as a convenient label to camouflage badly behaved offspring.


I'd go along with this view, in my experience it probably reflects reality.

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Why dn't you come and spend a day with my autistic son before you start saying its cool. He struggles with what "normal":loopy: people would call minor on a daily basis.


I am also deeply offended by you thinking autism is the parents fault.


You seriously need some educating :rant:

I don't need to. My son is autistic and has a tiny little touch of ADD and dyspraxia so I know all about autism.


I also know plenty of people who are desperately trying to get their neuro typical kids diagnosed with ADHD or some sort of ASD condition so they can get the DLA and what have you and thats what I mean about it being the parents fault. For the kids who genuinely do have autism etc life is very tough. For the parents who just want their kids diagnosed with it I have nothing but contempt

“I hate a good many things, but I suffer them all the same.”


Stannis Baratheon

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I don't need to. My son is autistic and has a tiny little touch of ADD and dyspraxia so I know all about autism.


I also know plenty of people who are desperately trying to get their neuro typical kids diagnosed with ADHD or some sort of ASD condition so they can get the DLA and what have you and thats what I mean about it being the parents fault. For the kids who genuinely do have autism etc life is very tough. For the parents who just want their kids diagnosed with it I have nothing but contempt




Fair enough.


I am not sure how a child can be diagnosed with asd who has not got it.


My lad is constantly struggling through everyday situations and to be honest a diagnosis would make no different to how he behaves.


People claiming DLA for a child with asd irritate me, my son is my son warts and all and i would not try to get financial gain from that no matter what.

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