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Six week wonders at the gym - annoying people !!

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Can I ask if you joined the gym when you were already fit, toned and slim cos if not, surely you must have gone through a stage at the beginning when you didn't know how to use the equipment etc?


Hogging equipment by volume of people has got nothing to do with not being able to use it.

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This is exactly the reason why I was a bit undecided abut joining a gym at first!


What gives YOU more right to be at this gym than someone who fancies losing there Christmas weight they have put on over the festive period?!


Just because alot of people do tend to join in January and dont manage to keep it up, doesnt mean they have any less right to be there than you do! They are paying their membership, just like you.


Luckily at the gym I go to, there doesnt appear to be anybody like you there as everyone is lovely, friendly and smiles at you- even chats along in some cases depending on what machinery you are on!


People like you give gym-goers a bad reputation!

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Hogging equipment by volume of people has got nothing to do with not being able to use it.


And not knowing how to use it is down to the Gyms fault as they should always show you how to use all of the machines before you can exercise.

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I think what the OP is trying to say is 'Look at me I'm better than everyone else, I'm fantastic. Look at me, look at me aren't I just the bees knees'


It pleases me that everyone else sees an odious, conceited and arrogant little man with serious inadequacy issues.


Bobbie, the next time you stand in that mirror to admire yourself please try and pull your head out of your backside and take a long hard look at yourself, I suspect there is still quite a lot of work you need to do.

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So here we go, at the gym we have the 6 week wonders. In other words, they are all over the place in january, and by the 2nd week in February, you wonder where they have gone - six week wonders.


Six week wonders are a pain at the gym because.....


1) They cannot work out how to use the gym equipment.


2) on the machines, struggle to work out where the on/off button is for the running machines.


3) smell of BO + leave sweat puddles on the machines. In normal life, they don't smell or leave puddles everywhere, but a bit of excercise and they sweat.


4) At the lane swimming, they cannot work out where the slow lane is, and often decide to swim in the fast lane.


5) slow the classes down, the instructor has to repeat the same instructions 20 times, and keep an eye on these people in case they die of exhaustion after doing 2 pressups.


SO roll on February, and hope many of the six weekers give up and clear off. Do you hate the six week wonders at your gym?

every one has to start somewhere,you cant expect people who have never been in the place to know or understand how everything works ,we were all begginers at everything we ever did once
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On thread about Hypnotherapy - gastricband

bobbie posts -

"and if people are too lazy to get off their lazy bottoms and do some exercise,"

but still starts a tread about new people joining a gym!!!

It's because of people like you that people like me who want to go to the gym to lose weight and get fitter don't bother!!

Thank god the gym i've been going to for the past 2 years doesn't have people like you.


p.s i still sweat like a trooper(and no i don't have BO either) but i put that down to a good workout and not just posing on the mirror.

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To be honest, most gyms would be out of business if it wasn't for the 6 weekers. They pay their money and because they stop going in Feb, never cause wear and tear on the machines.


Imagine how much it would cost for your gym membership if it wasn't for these clients. The gyms would have to increase their monthly fees, just to keep their business viable :o

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