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Blood, a nice gift!

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Stocks are always low. Not enough people donate.


As a regular blood donor I have to say I'm ever so slightly sceptical about their claims.


Personally I would have thought that 50%+ (?) of donated blood isn't used to save lives at all, although it may well be used for research etc. Blood is only useful for 3 or 4 days after its been given I believe, so I can see that they need a continuous supply, but perhaps not the quantities they get. I certainly have never heard about a single patient dying through lack of blood.


Certainly not a reason not to give blood though.

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I used to be a regular blood donor but can't donate at the moment either because of health problems. They really do run short very quickly.


Donated blood is used in lots of different ways and makes a huge difference so don't underestimate how vitally important it is.


I'd urge anyone who can give blood to do so, it's not painful or difficult but it really can save someone's life. Read the story of the Sheffield soldier being awarded the George medal and then tell me you're scared of what? A needle?? You don't even need to look at what they're doing, just close your eyes!

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As a regular blood donor I have to say I'm ever so slightly sceptical about their claims.


Personally I would have thought that 50%+ (?) of donated blood isn't used to save lives at all, although it may well be used for research etc. Blood is only useful for 3 or 4 days after its been given I believe, so I can see that they need a continuous supply, but perhaps not the quantities they get. I certainly have never heard about a single patient dying through lack of blood.


Certainly not a reason not to give blood though.


Whole blood is 35 days if treated correctly. Youa re probably thinking about platelets which are 5 days shelf life and they run short often - I've been rung at work to come in and donate for immediate needs a couple of times this year.

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Simple. Go to http://www.blood.co.uk/ and click on the Register Now button.


They will find you a session etc nearby, or if you can travel then you can go to the permanant centre here http://www.blood.co.uk/pdf/map_sheffield.pdf which is a walk in one.


Check you are not excluded here.. http://www.blood.co.uk/can-i-give-blood/who-can-give-blood/ which will save a wasted trip.


And thanks for considering doing something amazing. :-)

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Simple. Go to http://www.blood.co.uk/ and click on the Register Now button.


They will find you a session etc nearby, or if you can travel then you can go to the permanant centre here http://www.blood.co.uk/pdf/map_sheffield.pdf which is a walk in one.


Check you are not excluded here.. http://www.blood.co.uk/can-i-give-blood/who-can-give-blood/ which will save a wasted trip.


And thanks for considering doing something amazing. :-)


Cheers! Done :)

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