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Isn't it funny how people have only got their cars out of the snow today?

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Or people have been using public transport to get to work and when they get home it's been to dark to dig them out so today has been the first day we've been able to in the day light?


Maybe think a bit more before posting and sterotyping everyone next time?

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how everybody seems to be able to get all their cars out today which had previously been completely 'snowed in' Monday-Friday. Come Saturday I've seen loads of people work for hours to get their cars out.... Wonder why :suspect: Would It be different if it was a Monday ?!


Because they've been using public transport for the commute during the week and also because it's only just started thawing?


I could have dug my car out in the week but with the road impassable it would have been pointless.

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JCB with a plough on the front cleared our street this morning. I cleared the car of snow on Thursday and am hoping to take it out in a hour so to go dancing in Nottingham. Praying it doesn't snow again - at least for a while. Temperature must have risen as I can hear the steady patter of water dripping off the roof. Thank goodness we can start getting back to normality ... am going stir crazy in the house.

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No, it's not funny at all! We've been digging at ours for 3 days. A Parcel Force van got stuck on our road yesterday and it took several hours and 8 people to eventually get it on to the main road - but our car is on an incline so it was skidding in the snow/ice. We managed, with the help of neighbours to get it outt of the drive. Going along the road it's very tricky as it's not been gritted and we're skating on 5-6 inches of solid impacted snow. Not looking forward to next week if we get more snow on top of this. Hubby has been working from home, so he's done more work as he's had no traveling time. Just because you may live in an area where you can get out, or live close to a main road that's been gritted don't assume everyone else is as lucky. Today's the first day the buses have been running out our end so people have been struggling on foot for the most part.

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it could be the fact that it hasnt snowed in 48 hours so the roads that been cleared have stayed clear and gritters and plough are able to move onto smaller roads, and with all the major roads being clear people feel safer going out in thier cars knowing they wont get stuck anywhere.

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I wouldn't pretend for a second some people have been 'selective' with when they've dedcided they have the effort to clear their drives out but shall we see through our joyous 'holier-than-thou' cynicism for a second and remember two things;


1. The heaviest snow was Saturday and much of the snow has been melting the last few days with many roads and driveways now starting to clear so obviously today would be the first day many cars have been 'freed'.

2. Many people use the car to get to work as a convenience only - they may well be able to walk or get the bus. This week they may have thought - "I can walk or get the bus on the main roads and be in by 9am - if I dig out my car I can probably only get in for midday or later". In this scenario these people could be classed as the ones who have wasted work time.


Why are so many people on the Sheffield Forum so cynical and black & white about things?

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Now that the cars have gone hopefully the bus operators can ge tback to normal there are some services that are now running on right route soley due to cars been parked with snow on.



The thing is of course as people have said today most people are off and friends / family are off today so they can help them to move it, and the weather as helped today .


On wednesday evening between williams and woodseats libarary ( about a 1/4mile) i counted 38 abandened cars - soem are still here today

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