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Who plays guitar and what do you have?


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I've got a Yamaha 12-string acoustic, circa 1992 - very nice sound. Also have a Jackson 'Performer' electric axe of death with Flloyd-Rose bridge for mega whammy-bar mayhem. I also play bluegrass banjo, so I've got a Barnes and Mullins 5-string which is my baby, and has been for about 2 years now. I know it's not a guitar, but Slimsid started a 'Who plays the banjo' thread and it was pretty lonely in there.


I've also got a Brazilian stringed drum, called a berimbau - also not a guitar, but a very primitive type of guitar-family instrument, which sounds great.


Some guitar afficionados coming out the woodwork on this thread...

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1948 Gibson f hole acoustic - 'after war' cheap model named Cromwell.

Tanglewood Odyssey - round back.

Hondo II solid - v nice.

Spanish round holes - several.

Eko 12 string round hole jumbo.

Gibson Les Paul bad copy made by me age 16.

V old f hole (1930s) fallen apart and in the loft now.

Banjo (but only the 4 string).

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Been playing 4 years, taking grade 8 in a couple weeks (eek!)


Best guitar's a Jackson USA KE-2 Blue Ghost Flames, best thing I ever bought (with my first ever installment of student loan :))


Also got a really nice Hofner President ( acoustic steel string archtop from ca.1948 )


A Japanese luthier made classical guitar (Ryoji Matsuoka) from the 70s


A Vantage les paul (ish) copy


A custom painted bass, not sure of maker


A Bouzouki that I'm selling, which can be found here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7423354689&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1


Another classical, Rose Morris Dulcet Classic, bit battered but nice sound - also selling (w/canvas case), £25. Also got a 25 watt electro-acoustic amp made by crafter for sale, £25, and a violin w/bow + case for £75.


I play a bit of piano/keyboards and drums too, and I'm looking for A) a band, and B) guitar students! Just to interject some only slightly shamed advertising in there.

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Virtual Guitarist for me! It's a Cubase plug-in that strums in a variety of styles and stays in time with all your other tracks. No need to mike it up, replace strings or spend hours practicing, just hold down a few block chords on your keyboard and away you go!

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It's called 'Rock School' - it's a contemporary music branch of the Trinity College. Quite good, but takes a lot of time to prepare - the syllabus consists of learning three set pieces to play to backing tracks, sight reading, listening (scariest bit, playing back an 8 bar phrase without preparation) and technical work - various scales and arpeggios.


I have to say, the RGT syllabus actually looks pretty easy in comparison from what's on the web, but then that's easy to say as I'm not doing it :)

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I did up to grade 6 rock school at college (i studied popular music). Its good but its not my type of playing at all. RGT is much more technical based, learn numerous scales, modes and arpeggios and then improvise with them. I'd rather do that than play someone elses guitar lines.


When RGT gets up to grade 8 though it gets silly. You have to learn stupid things like all the arpeggios in all their inversions. Did Jimi Hendrix know them? I doubt it. The man just played.


Good luck to you though. :-)

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