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About Crayfish

  • Birthday 11/10/1985

Personal Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    Martial arts
  • Occupation
    Medical Editor

Crayfish's Achievements

Rising Star

Rising Star (9/14)



  1. I'm thinking of buying a house near Birley Primary Academy (S12). Can anyone tell me about that area? Is it safe/friendly? Is my wife (Vietnamese) likely to experience problems with racism around there? For reference, I grew up in Hillsborough. No kids yet, but probably in the next few years. Thanks!
  2. Nah, sorry. My band days were about 14 years ago, all videos have been lost to the ages. Fun times though, would be nice to have another bash ! I'll get some electric guitar stuff up on YouTube soon.
  3. Hi Leo, I'm a guitarist also looking to jam or form/join a band, and I'm also based in Hillsborough. Give me a shout if you'd be up for jamming some time? For more about me please see my post http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1501166.
  4. Guitarist, experience spanning 15 years and 40 gigs. I'm looking to join/form a band or busking outfit. I can play lead, rhythm, electric, acoustic, classical, fingerstyle - anything goes. My standard is somewhere between intermediate and advanced, and I'd like to push my abilities further. Haven't filmed myself for a while but here are videos from a few years ago (all acoustic, but I play electric to the same standard): I previously played in a melodic death metal group, but I have diverse tastes and would consider almost any style. Original or covers. Just seeing what's out there for now. I'm based in S6.
  5. Guitarist, 31, interested. I've played around 40 gigs total in a band I was in for 3 years a decade ago. I'm able to commit to regular rehearsals. Please see my post http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1501166 for more details.
  6. I'm a guitarist also looking to join or start a band. I'm 31 with 15 years guitar experience and play acoustic and electric in diverse styles. I've played in gigging bands before (about 40 gigs total). Based in S6.
  7. I'm interested in getting together with other martial artists for skill trading, conditioning, and maybe light sparring. I've studied various martial arts / related activities including styles focusing on striking (muay thai, kickboxing), grappling (BJJ, wrestling), both (MMA, traditional jujitsu), and general movement (parkour, freerunning, tricking, yoga). I have about 16 years of experience in total and coach some of those styles freelance. On a sunny day, some practice in a park would be great. Hillsborough Park is my closest venue but I could travel. If anyone is into sparring I have gloves/shin guards/gum shield, and now and then I also train bare-handed light continuous controlled sparring with friends, which is fun. Otherwise just some technique trading/bodyweight conditioning/sprints etc. could be good. I'm really looking to meet other experienced martial artists, but if there is a demand for it, I could also organise coaching or personal training sessions for beginners; however I'd need insurance for this and would charge something for my time.
  8. This will be protected under the Antarctic Treaty and politically inaccessible. The oil shales are being exploited. It is one of the most environmentally damaging undertakings ever dreamt up by man.
  9. I believe that we are driving climate change to some extent and that it would theoretically be possible to control it. However, other than that I agree completely with your post above. There are more pressing issues and better places to direct money / political will.
  10. Yup. But, to reiterate a point I and others have made before, there are more concrete and imminent global sustainability issues than climate change (anthropogenic or otherwise). There are less than 10% and in some cases less than 1% of many sealife and forest resources that there were when humanity started exploiting them. Most independent analysts agree that peak oil is both inevitable and close. Certain minerals essential for much of modern technology including rare earths and lithium are feared to be running low (already). Even fresh water is starting to turn up short. Despite these drastic declines in finite resource pools, global population is increasing to unprecedented levels at an unprecedented rate. All of these people will want a piece of what few resources remain. Although these facts are blindingly obvious to anyone who cares to look, most people (not all) and most governments (not all) choose to ignore them. These are the real issues of the next few decades. We can worry about global warming later. NB: don't want to come over all apocalyptic, a lot of this will be self correcting, mostly by leading to massive starvation in the third world and a mostly-welcome curtailment of extravagance elsewhere. Be much less damaging if planned for though, particularly in terms of biodiversity and human suffering.
  11. Also practicing jumping on each other out of trees in the middle of the night to strangle each other with their legs, so I hear. Crazy ninjas. They scare me though, I'm always fighting ninjas in my dreams for some reason.
  12. Only marginally more frogspawn crazy than other religions in doctrine, to be fair. They just seem to believe it harder and more annoyingly.
  13. http://www.tendoshingan.com/ That's in Manchester. Crazy ninjas.
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