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EDL at a new low.

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You should try to learn a little more History, really.


Try "The Germans", regardless of the angle that you approach the statement from.


I'll take a bet there were not many,if any Germans on the EDL march..any way whats up with Germans ?


Questioning the objection against Germans is all...are you English or just pretending to be ?


I don't think that anyone was objecting to Germans.


I'm a bit mystified by your post, to be honest.


Your not very bright then are you.Im surprised.. Mel I can understand but you ,I thought you were a little bit more aware...never mind


It all depends upon your angle, really.

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I read in the news that the Tea Party are making chums with the EDL, they believe that they have lots in common. Like being raving, drooling bonkers. Tea Party's a funnier name though. Whenever I see 'EDL' I get 'You're Unbelievable' popping up in my head and I'm dragged back to Uni disco. Incongruous, to say the least. I actually typed EDF the first time, that's how confusing it is.


I get very bored writing posts blah-ing on about how no-one at any of the polar opposites helps one iota in tackling the various types of fascism that like to hang out on the island we're lolling about on. The people with no hair and Rottweiler snarls don't represent the kind of ambience most of the population would like to live in, and many of the most fervently self-proclaimed 'anti-fascist' protesters have spent a couple of decades timidly letting the other kind of fascism settle in and make itself comfortable.


I agree that it just looks like people who just want to exercise their aggressive tendencies on a day trip out. I wish they'd go and do it on a sandbank out in the North Sea though.

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