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Wind Turbines - Totley Moor / Hathersage


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I think its easier to create a sensational headline by declaring the evils of radiation rather than stating its relative safety. Maybe that's what's happened over the years?. What about someone writing a story regarding the evils of an irresponsible and sensationalist media?.


So which is more dangerous - radiation or CO2?. Anyone got any ideas for the possible site of a nuclear facility in this area then?. Totley Moors?.

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Personally I think the sight of a wind farm is majestic and stunning - both appealing from a technological and engineering standpoint as well as giving a bit of a fuzzy feeling that we are using 'clean' power. I'd love to have my own in the garden powering the house.

(Even build your own? http://www.bwea.com/you/byo.html)


However, when you look into the figures behind a farm such as Lambrigg in Cumbria, you'll see that these 5 turbines kick out a mere 6.5kw or enough for 4000 houses. We'd need a lot of turbines to power Sheffield!


When looking at firing stuff into space, don't forget about the huge amount of burnt fossil fuels and heat/gas byproduct to get it there - a few trips would probably do more damage than a fossil fuel powered station in the first place.


We need to do something to combat global warming. Even though Sheffield would benefit from being a few degrees warmer and isn't likely to flood, I don't fancy ski holidays being limited to Snow Mountain in future! ;)

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I like wind turbines and I think they are much better than some big stupid power station.


Look at the Castleton & Hope area.... the power station ruins the view... I would prefer Wind Turbines there.



Power station!! In the Hope Valley?! I think you'll find that is a cement works.

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When looking at firing stuff into space, don't forget about the huge amount of burnt fossil fuels and heat/gas byproduct to get it there - a few trips would probably do more damage than a fossil fuel powered station in the first place.


Well, what we need is antigravity plates and then we could lift off without effort. Seriously though, how about building an orbital space station (maybe torroidal? See game StarTopia :) ) One where you could build and launch spaceships that don't have to worry about gravity and an atmosphere.


Then take the nuclear waste up on the Space Elevator they're on about building at some point.... :rolleyes:

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That link is direct to the conservatives site and not a discussion about the turbines, keep posting on here or goto the site of the people in power who can actually make a difference.


I for one would welcome the chance to have turbines on the doorstep, WE NEED THEM AND THATS IT !

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That link is direct to the conservatives site and not a discussion about the turbines, keep posting on here or goto the site of the people in power who can actually make a difference.


I for one would welcome the chance to have turbines on the doorstep, WE NEED THEM AND THATS IT !


The site is asking for people's feedback on this issue. Considering there have been plans for wind turbines in the Totley/Dore area (which 2 Conservative councillors represent) then we want to listen to the views of all. As far as your comment on "people in power who can actually make a difference" is concerned, the party nationally is preparing to fight and win the next general election and you will not have missed the attention we wish to give to green issues. To do this, we want to listen to everyone's opinions, even in Sheffield with only 2 councillors, it is only right that we do this.


There are some strong arguements on each side of the wind power debate, it is only right for this debate to be opened up for all concerned in Sheffield to have their say and for the City Council to listen.

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Why doesn't the government (whichever party is in power) offer grants or some form of financial help to encourage the installation of small wind turbines in gardens, or larger ones on individual housing developments?. I don't mean the huge white ones - attractive as they are - I mean the micro turbines, some of which cost a few hundred quid. Surely the cumulative effect of one of these on every other property would help reduce emissions?.


I understand there are some larger versions in the 15k price range. There's one on a farm at Stannington, near my place. I'm really not a fan of the tories, but just for once David Cameron made some sense when he said energy policy should start from the ground up. I never thought I'd agree with a tory leader about anything.......

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