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English breakfasts

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We used to get the big full english served up in the mess every morning. I used to avoid it like the plague, too heavy and too greasy especially when it came to running around. Not a good combination!


I prefer a lighter breakfast - a few slices of toast with a poached egg, washed down with a cuppa.

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I love it but its a once in a while treat usually on holiday. Its at it's absolute best though when somebody else cooks it and does the washing up afterwards. It absolutely must have mushrooms and a fried slice as well.

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I do love a good English brekkie, however if I ate one every day with everything else I eat I'd probably die in a few months from a heart attack ;)

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full english brekkie is the TOPS


used to be a cadet back in the distant teens, and when we went to the army camps the breakfasts were amazing. The fried bread was the best I ever had.. oh god just thinking about it makes me want to go kill a pig with my teeth and eat it raw with a side salad of thick lard.

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Saturday breakfast is usually... Tomato sausage, proper bacon (not that prepacked crap) black pudding, beans, open cup mushrooms, toast , perhaps grilled tomato. It is what made Britain GREAT..


No wonder the French are surrender monkeys when they eat stale rolls with greasy coffee and call it breakfast.

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