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We're British ..

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Or is that just because the English are lazy and insular and can't be bothered to learn another language?


Why should we?!


English is the 'buiseness language' of the world, its regarded as the 'world language'. Its taught as a second language in most countries in the world, and is the official language of the U N.

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The pakistanis are civically british but not real british,real british dont go around blowing people to bits in the name of islam.


Bugger me, that analogy must put you in a position of some self doubt about your own nationality based on the behaviour of these individuals:


Robert Cottage, wannabe terrorist. (Real British, not one of those watered down darkies)




David Copeland, he graduated from the University of Homegrown Terrorists (Caucasian Faculty), with flying colours.



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Antics Hi,

The PC brigade in the forum is headed up His Ruthlessness the Mighty ..Wildcat......

His able Chief of Police is none other than Lord Halibut.......

His ethnic Representative is none other than Boyfriday.......

His legal Advisors are Berlin & Co from the Republic of Ireland....

Liberty Bell is the chief of the ladies section....a bit like Germaine Greer with attitude.


Ther are then a few other mild types but nothing to get excited about....

Hope this answers your query.

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I'll accept that 'fact' when it's proven as such, besides which it doesn't exclude the possibility that a great number of British Asians contribute to the system just like everybody else without making any claim on it whatsoever, that was the point I was addressing in Paul's post.


The data I’m quoting is from the office of national statistics comparing religious groups with numbers of benefits claimants.


Muslims seem to make much higher levels of claims for benefits within the UK even compared to other religious groups from the Asian continent, Hindus for example.


Labour Market - Muslim unemployment rate highest


Ref: DirectGov: National Statistics Online



Unemployment rates: by religion and sex, 2004, GB


Chrsitian:Men - 4.25%

Chrsitian:Women - 4%

Muslim:Men - 13.75%

Muslim:Women - 18%

Hindu:Men - 5%

Hindu:Women - 8.75%

Sikh:Men - 7%

Sikh:Women - 5.2%

Jewish:Men - 3.75%

Jewish:Women - 4%


In 2004, Muslims had the highest male unemployment rate in Great Britain, at 13 per cent. This was about three times the rate for Christian men (4 per cent). Unemployment rates for men in the other religious groups were between 3 and 8 per cent.


The unemployment rate for Muslim women at 18 per cent was about four times the rate for Christian and Jewish women (4 per cent in each case). Unemployment rates for women in the other religious groups were between 6 per cent and 9 per cent.


The article goes on to talk about the economic inactivity rates of working age people, which again the Muslims massively out number all counterparts.


boyfriday, consider the facts proven.

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Yes Berlin....born in Ashdod..... hold dual nationality.... Major(retired) Parachute Regiment so.....

Allowed to call myself English/British/Israeli....... fought for MY countries ...both ...not against them....


It would be quite ridiculous to fight against your own country, wouldn't it?

Not that you're not ridiculous, of course.

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