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Waverley Development at Catcliffe MEAGATHREAD

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Thought I would ressurrect this thread, as Me and the Mister are considering a move out there... The current Government incentives to buy new builds, and with a growing family, make for a very tempting prospect for upsizing. And, if the plans suggesting shops and restaurants work out, along with a planned school, it could make for a pretty desirable place to live.


I'm a little concerned about the impact of the wind turbines tho, is there much potential for noise pollution? Anyone know much more about the proposed train line which was mentioned earlier in this thread. I think I read somewhere that this development was intended to roll for the next 20 years?! Would that be realisitically sustainable? I also worry about the long term value of the properties there, I mean would they become insta-devalued as soon as a new estate was built?


I probably worry too much, but if anyone could offer any insight to any of my questions, I'd be very grateful :)

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wouldnt worry too much, one of the turbines is regularly broken and hasnt turned for weeks. cant see them building anymore there now. its going to be a massive development though, lots of houses and ultimately will attract lots of cars, i can see it being busy for traffic until they sort the new junction out to the m way, as they have said they may do.

the original plans i believe included some retail and a landscaped lake, if that is still on the cards it should be a nice enough area, but it will be a building site for the forseeable future, and will look rather barren i think until much further down the line. if you can cope with that and dont mind, then you might get a saving being in there early doors.

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I don't live too far from this site and I, along with my neighbours (who have lived here 40 years) thought it was a flood plain. So we were surprised that building had been allowed.

My neighbours daughter went lo look at one and she said they are tiny and expensive. Wouldn't touch them personally.

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I don't live too far from this site and I, along with my neighbours (who have lived here 40 years) thought it was a flood plain. So we were surprised that building had been allowed.

My neighbours daughter went lo look at one and she said they are tiny and expensive. Wouldn't touch them personally.


the curent building is all on the old opencast site at the top of where orgreave was, highly unlikely it would flood there as its way higher than waverley?

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the curent building is all on the old opencast site at the top of where orgreave was, highly unlikely it would flood there as its way higher than waverley?


Thank you for your concern but I've no intention of moving there. But to those who are thinking about it, it may be worth checking if you can get insurance.

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I'd be more worried about what they're built on.


Looked like just a load of mining spoil to me

Got to agree. Shifting sands and all that!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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We've just reserved a plot there. I seriously doubt that plans would have been approved if the site wasn't fit to build on or if there were any concerns over chemical by products. My parents bought their house on a new development over an old open cast mine and haven't had any issues with subsidence or ridiculous insurance quotes. It would be helpful to hear from anyone that has moved in though.

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