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Another Subway just opened in the city centre

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I'd have preferred it to stay as a bookshop. All of them on West Street (Blackwells, the second hand one, and now Applebaums) have closed within a fairly short space of time and been replaced by yet more cafes, bars and eateries (or in Blackwells case, by an empty shop again at the moment). West St. used to be interesting to walk down... now there's nothing much to go there for as far as I'm concerned.

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Originally posted by scottf

At least its better than another takeaway- its good healthy food!! (says as he has just got back to work after devouring a foot long steak melt--mmmmmmmm)

Since when is plastic healthy ?

Originally posted by boyface

I noticed this on my way in today.....they're everywhere. I dont like it.

I don't either, either Subway or starbucks can go and kiss my you-know-what
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Originally posted by scottf

At least its better than another takeaway- its good healthy food!! (says as he has just got back to work after devouring a foot long steak melt--mmmmmmmm)


If it's that healthy for you it should be a breeze for you to walk the 2 mins to the one on Devonshire Street, or 5 mins to the one in Orchard square, shouldn't it?


I think 2 in the city centre is 2 too many, nevermind more appearing.

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I trust that the people who were so anti-Starbucks will muster their might against SubWay as well... ;)


I've eaten at a SubWay in Leeds and wasn't impressed. I think I'll be staying with my usual sandwich suppliers for a while yet.


It's a shame to see the bookshop go - I used to like having a browse 'cos you could occasionally find a few bargains there.



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What is weird is that if you go into a Sub-Way in the US (or a Starbucks) the quality of both the food and the service is so much better than what you get in this country.

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