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17 year old little bro held at knifepoint

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last night someone followed my brother off the bus, asked him the time, when he got out his mobile to check, he pulled a knife and insisted he give him the phone...the little <removed> .... my brother is studying at college full time, he does not drink or smoke, he is quiet as a mouse, 2 of his mates have said he should have chased the attacker!!! what is this <removed> that calls itself Parson Cross coming to..obviously i am livid about this incident however it is also making me worry for my 2 boys who now are 6 years and 9 months how much worse are things going to be in 10 years time....

we gave the police a discription and they are checking if the bus had cctv on it however they have said chances are the phone will be long gone...

it's coming to something when a young lad on his way home from the cinema gets held at knifepoint for a 150 pound phone(saved his ema money up for 5 weeks to get this phone only had it 2 weeks!!!)...makes me think the child must come from <removed> parents who obviously don't know how to bring their children up, probably reading this and laughing!!! well if you are i think your a <removed>....RANT OVER

Edited by Draggletail
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You must be livid, if it was me I would want this scrote dead.


oh yeah.put a comment on my facebook saying i hope the scum overdoses on whatever drug he uses....some people not too happy with my comment however i dont care

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It could have all gone terribly wrong though, tragically wrong. Scary for your brother yes but at least he wasnt hurt by this low life scumball.


I know my mum was hysterical at the thought of what could have happened, my bro has gone to college as normal think he is quite shook up about it all and feels daft that he didn't do more, i've told him he did the best thing, good people should not have to worry about this stuff just because the pond scum don't know how to behave

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Two of my lads were mugged for their phones about five years ago by three thieving scumbags outside Concord Sports hall whilst they waited for a bus. They were 14 and 16 at the time and the thieving scum were about 12, 17 and 18. I went to pick them up after the event and took them for a drive around the Flower Estate where the scum ran to. Believe me, if I had seen them I would have used the car on them. I really wished them dead .... still do actually. Even 5 years down the line, I have less respect for them than I do any creepy crawly living under a stone and still wish the scum dead.


As for the two dirtbags who conned their way into my late father-in-law's home and robbed him blind when he was in his 80's: I hope they are suffering with some terminal disease as I type.


I would not even send for an ambulance if I came across one of these scum bleeding to death. I might have a crafty kick though.


How anyone can forgive these pieces of crap is beyond me.:confused:

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This happens a lot. I've had it tried on me twice in town in an attempt to see my phone, and I think I mentioned it on a thread a few days ago.


I've even had arguments with strangers because of it. They've asked me the time and when I say "I don't have a watch" then ask me to check my phone. I say "I don't have a phone either" and they start getting funny.


The best thing is to make up a time and just say that you saw it on a clock or in a shop five minutes before.

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