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GCSE Results; can we compare?

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Originally posted by tim_rutter

Is anyone putting these into a spreadsheet so we can analyse em statistically? :D Like cyclone says I'm not sure we're that good a x-section of society to really form any conclusions! Nice idea tho :)


It's not even the cross section that's the problem.

In an area where personal performance makes such a difference we'd need thousands of contributions in order to get averages and then compare them.

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English:- B (Higher Tier - AQA)

French:- C (Higher Tier - AQA)

German:- C (Higher Tier - AQA)

ICT:- C (Higher Tier - OCR)

English Literature:- C (Higher Tier - AQA)


The remaining were either untiered or Foundation Tier:


Maths:- E (Foundation Tier - Edexcel)

History:- D (Untiered - Edexcel)

RE:- D (Untiered - WJEC)

Food Technology:- D (Foundation - AQA)

Science:- D (Foundation Tier - AQA).


I don't think it helped that a major event occurred between year one of the GCSEs and year two; but note that the lessons I were mainly interested in were the ones I took higher tiered examinations in.


A school in north Kent.


Alex :)


Currently at a college completing the first year of a BTEC ND in IT System Support, and Cisco CCNA course too.

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i don't really think you can compare gcses with o levels cos the system is different isn't it? also, most people say getting an A is easier now - I just think my generation is cleverer, haha. well, maybe not, but i do think kids are prepared to pass exams now, and taught for exams better too.

anyway.. I took my GCSEs at Fortismere School in North London in 2000:


Design Technology - C

English Language - B

English Lit - A

French - B

Geography - A

History - A

Maths - B

Music - B

Science - BB


I took my AS Levels (first year of AS levels) at Fortismere Sixth Form in 2001:


English Lit: A

Geography: B

History: B

Philosophy: B


I took my A Levels in 2002:


Geography: B

History: B

Philosophy: C

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i did mine at king teds n finished in 2003 and got:


english A

english lit A

french B

drama B

graphics B

art C

science C

maths C

history G#



thats what i can remember anyway damn it seems like so long ago but it really really wasnt :confused:

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Thanks everyone for your input, Cyclone and Tim, you're right, it's not a very good group of people for statistics, was just wondering if it would work...


I can put them into a spread sheet/graph or something if you want, but you'll have to wait til I've got a bit more time after the 6th June (end of AS exams!!!!!!!!!!! then I get to start A2 - yippee :mad: )


Thanks to Sam for your message to Tracie and I, I wasn't fishing for compliments when I said it, I just suddenly thought that people were going to be putting down 10/11 and I had 7!!!


And by the way - a lot of you put me to shame! You got good grades!

I think another problem with the whole statistic thing is that people who didn't do very well, won't want to put it down, so we can't form a true conclusion, but when I have more time I'll put all the data together and see (mean average of results or something!)


Oh and here's something to make you smile! My friend said when she went to get her results she was sat on the bus on the way back home with a friend, when she heard this girl behind (admittedly from my school :blush: ) shout 'I can spell FUDGE with my results!'




cheers everyone, keep em coming, I'll have a good load to do then after exams! :D

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Just a little note I want to add; I got really good GCSEs but my A levels went more than a little pearshaped, a total of 4 points (if you don't count general studies), however I went on to work hard in my own time and got accepted at Sheff Uni for Archaeology (they usually want something like ABB at A level!!!) and went on to get a really decent degree and have never been out of work since. Good exam grades at GCSE and A level aren't the be-all and end-all like they try to tell you when you are taking them. Dont worry about your grades, how many you get etc, so long as you are determined, work hard and do your best all the way through you'll get what you want if you really want it.

Lesson over ;)

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I did real exams so:



English, Maths, History, Chemistry, Biology - all C

Design And Technology - B

Physics - A



Chemistry - B, Psychology - C, Maths - D


BSc Biochemistry - 2.1 (best degree you can get ;) )


MSc Computer Science (they don't grade them :o )


PhD Structural Molecular Biology


And the most important thing I have learned from all that? How ultimately worthless and meaningless paper qualifications are!

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I did GCSEs in Lincolnshire in 2000 and got

English lit - A*

English lang - A*

Maths - A

Science - AA

Geography - A*

History - A

Food tech - A*

RE - A

IT - A

German - C


I did A levels in 2001 / 2002 and got

English lit - A

English lang - A

Geography - A

History - A

Sociology - A

Psychology - A


Went to Hallam and will graduate this year, probably with a 2:1.

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