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Radical Muslims storm election meeting

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Radical Islamists broke into a news conference held by moderate Muslims on Tuesday, denounced Prime Minister Tony Blair as Satan and urged Muslims to boycott next month's election.


Around 20 protesters, many wearing scarves to hide their faces, ripped a locked door off its hinges at one of London's main mosques and burst into the event organised by the country's main Islamic lobby group the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB).


They pushed their way to the front of the room, stood on chairs and shouted slogans against the MCB, Blair, Jews, Christians, apostates and the entire political system.


"Tony Blair can go to hell! Tony Blair can go to hell!," they chanted as television cameras turned on them. "There is no God but Allah!"


They also called on Muslims to abandon the election next month. Discuss.

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The moderate muslims have condemned the actions of these extremists and rightly so. It is these very actions that generate mistrust of the muslim community and generate animosity. Many people feel the muslim community is a hornets nest just waiting to be disturbed. I think to some extent even the government are worried about upsetting the muslim community, worried about the volatile nature of this culture. Most muslims will no doubt distance themselves from this sort of behaviour. If radical islamists dont want to vote then fine, they shouldnt be allowed to anyway.

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Muslim answer to Justice for Fathers. You are always going to get this kind of thing where people use force to make themselves known. It would be better without it, but thats life.


It seems like this crowd need to be dealt with now, if this is their second attack on the MCB. Their confidence will grow and will attract young muslims who yearn for a bit of action, like any other young man.

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