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Hillsborough Leisure Centre refuses entry to single father with kids


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It is not exactly news.


You may recall Richard Caborn trying to kick off when he met the same reaction when he took two grandkids.

I seem to recall that the rules were tightened after a drowning at Rotherham? several years ago. No matter what anyone says, it it very easy for child to get out of sight in a busy pool.


If one of your children has passed ASA Level 2, the Supervisor will often use their discretion and allow a 2:1 ratio ... but it is at their discretion and not guaranteed.


It is a rule that we have to live with.

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The problem is it removes the responsibility of a parent to determine if they are capable of looking after their children. And sends the message to children that swimming is way more dangerous than it actually is.

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It is not exactly news.


You may recall Richard Caborn trying to kick off when he met the same reaction when he took two grandkids.

I seem to recall that the rules were tightened after a drowning at Rotherham? several years ago. No matter what anyone says, it it very easy for child to get out of sight in a busy pool.


If one of your children has passed ASA Level 2, the Supervisor will often use their discretion and allow a 2:1 ratio ... but it is at their discretion and not guaranteed.


It is a rule that we have to live with.


It only specifies one to one for under four year old anyway.

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The problem is it removes the responsibility of a parent to determine if they are capable of looking after their children.


Thats the only reason they are doing this, to make parents look incapable, nothing at all to-do with health and safety, just them being d***s


Most parents I see with kids I wouldn't trust looking after my cat, which has been dead for 4 years!



And sends the message to children that swimming is way more dangerous than it actually is.


Yeah, cos you know, swimming is like the most safest thing in the world.

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This man's children are 5 and 3. Neither of them can swim and probably can't support themselves in the water either. What happens if one of those children suddenly goes under? Does he let go of the other one? Oh he can't because that one can't swim either!


It would be fine if there was a proper toddler area and no chance of either of them getting into deeper water but that isn't the case at Hillsborough. It is for this reason that they organise a special time for single parents with more than one child. To me that is helping single parents out, not discriminating against them.


I wonder what people would have said had this been a 'child dies whilst swimming because Dad couldn't hold both' thread? That he was being irresponsible perhaps?


I can watch a 5 and 3 year old together just fine but I wouldn't ever take them swimming on my own for their own safety.

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I agree I am afraid, this is not any comment on the parents capability to look after thier kids it is just that accidents do happen. I remember pulling a small child out of a pool when I wasin my teens, it is not somethign I am going to forget. I have no idea how they got seperated but the fact is they did and the result was a small child on the bottom of the pool. It all happened very quickly and with there was no available life gaurd. If the pool doesnt think they can support a parent at certain times I think they made the right choice to turn him away.

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One child of 4 plus one child of 7?


Needs 2 adults under their rules.


Yes, because the one under 4 requires one to one, and the on 7 year old requires supervision. If you're already supervising a 7 year old you can't be one to one with a four year old as well.

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This man's children are 5 and 3. Neither of them can swim and probably can't support themselves in the water either. What happens if one of those children suddenly goes under? Does he let go of the other one? Oh he can't because that one can't swim either!


It would be fine if there was a proper toddler area and no chance of either of them getting into deeper water but that isn't the case at Hillsborough. It is for this reason that they organise a special time for single parents with more than one child. To me that is helping single parents out, not discriminating against them.


I wonder what people would have said had this been a 'child dies whilst swimming because Dad couldn't hold both' thread? That he was being irresponsible perhaps?


I can watch a 5 and 3 year old together just fine but I wouldn't ever take them swimming on my own for their own safety.


Maybe arm bands would sort them out.

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