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Everything posted by LizG2008

  1. Huh? Sorry confused, which page isn’t found? If you’re referring to the voting page the awards have now been announced. It is a real shame but we felt obliged to pull out after some rather odd voting was observed. (Full details on our home page http://www.gleebahgum.com/) We really do appreciate every ones support though, it was amazing to know we had the city behind us.
  2. Try Molly Limpets in Woodseats, they make costumes for theatre so I don’t see why they wouldn’t take a private commission from a individual http://www.mollylimpets.com/
  3. We used Starlight and were very happy with thir price and service http://www.jahornestarlight.co.uk/
  4. Glee Bah Gum, a community glee club and choir based in the Southey/Parsons Cross area of Sheffield have been nominated for an Epic Award and we need your votes. The Epic Awards run jointly by Voluntary Arts UK and Voluntary Arts Ireland are all about showcasing the best in amateur art and craft activity across the UK and Republic of Ireland and particularly awards those groups that have some community impact. Glee Bah Gum has been shortlisted as the group makes a point of trying to break down the barriers that might stop individuals participating in music. There is a place for everyone, we don’t audition, our members range in age from 7 to...well lets not get personal. We keep the member subscriptions minimal (25p per rehearsal, with a suggested voluntary amount if members wish) and the group very much has an ethos of peer support selecting the music and teaching each other as we go. At just over a year old and having begun from a standing start (no official organisation, no committee, no money!) just being shortlisted is an achievement but it would be great to get some recognition for the group. The members have all worked exceptionally hard to get this group up and running and as a result we have been able to support many other communities across Sheffield at their events and fund raisers. The award is a peoples choice award so we need the people of Sheffield (and Yorkshire as we are the only organisation from the region to be shortlisted) to back us and vote! All you need to do is click on or paste the following link into your browser http://epicawards.co.uk/shortlist/ and click on the green thumbs up voting button just below the Glee Bah Gum Entry (You can’t miss it, far left, 5 rows down, the pictures is of some of our younger members dancing all wearing red and black) It will only take a moment and really will mean a lot to the group. Thanks in advance for all your support ---------- Post added 18-01-2013 at 12:11 ---------- I apologies if it is poor etiquette to bump this thread but I just want to bring it to the notice of people who might not have seen it. We are currently 500 votes behind a Scottish Accordion Band and although all the entrants are great projects it would be great to have Sheffield win something on a national scale, it only takes 2 clicks so please do vote whenever you can. http://epicawards.co.uk/shortlist/ Thanks
  5. They are beautiful! For me when foxes get bunnys it is so very very sad but it is nature, they are just doing what they do so more acceptable (that doesnt seem like the right word as it is still so very sad to loose a loved pet but I cant thikn of the right way to phrase it)
  6. I’m so sorry to hear that Hanksy, there does seem to be an explosion of foxes in the area at the moment, a fiend of ours has lsot thier chickens recently and I see them most mornings on my way to work. Unfortunately we know ours weren’t taken by foxes due to how things were left for us to find, I don’t want to go into details but foxes don’t use tools to kill. I understand how you feel about not wanting to get another one so soon, we keep considering it but I think every morning I would ne worried what I would find but then we know we gave our buns a good home and they were happy so maybe time to give some other little guys a shot at a loving home but take some extra precautions.
  7. It is generally a nice area, I think maybe we were just unlucky that these people were maybe looking to burgle our shed or something and were on drugs or something. I can't bring myself to think it was premeditated. That would just be too much.
  8. Thanks for your kind words. We are very close to Malin Bridge
  9. I don't wish to distress anyone but felt I must put a warning out there. Yesterday morning I went outside to feed our rabbits and discovered one was missing and the other had been decapitated. This was most definetly the work of some sick people, we are aware of the risk of foxes but foxes dont shut hutches back up after them selves or move large items around the garden. It has been reported to the police but if you live in the s6 area please be aware and take precautions if you can just in case this is more than a one off case.
  10. The Enteprise Team still exsist and this leads into the SENTA team who look after growth business you can contact them on 0800 0435522
  11. Where are you based? My colleagues run a project which pretty much provides this service. We could probably help set you up with some one to help if you need it.
  12. Any of the guys at Lobby Toffs an Eccy Rd are fab, they do a couple of later nights as well as Saturdays and are very reasonable
  13. There is definitely not one this Friday as it is half term but the 24th is on
  14. If your interested in the Netwalking Lula Belle mentioned the next one is the 24th Feb. More info here https://www.facebook.com/pages/NetWalking-Sheffield/188044874605668?sk=wall
  15. I know it can be nerve racking but if it helps I worked for both universities and never had more than a 2 year contract in 10 years I was there (I left to work for another employer in a similar field and still don’t have a permanent contract) yet I have never been out of work. With these funded positions often you spend the last year of it working out how to continue the project or as time goes by it automatically morphs into something else. If that happens you wouldn’t even have to reapply you would just be carried over with the funding extension. If the worst does happen and it all stops you would also be entitled by that time to be part of the redeployment scheme. The other thing to think about is how permanent is any job these days? 3 years is a pretty long time in the world of employment I think. Good luck what ever choice you make
  16. Thre is quite a community out there, I have several freinds who are into it. Not my thing but to each his own and all that. One of my business contacts/friends, Bea never wears shoes at all http://www.thestar.co.uk/community/the-diary/one_year_barefoot_feat_1_3416545
  17. I assume Handsworth and Hallam with be doing their regular stint at the University Drama Studio in January
  18. Give Steve a call at http://www.uniphotos.co.uk/ He is a local Sheffield business with a good reputation
  19. I don’t think the orders are real, other wise Jedi Jim has just committed Alan sugar to getting Harry potter to eat is special stars which could be an interesting one to meet. Out of interest though Sheffield has a couple of success stories in the field, Delicious Alchemy and Yee Kwan ices are both form humble beginnings and are now both stocked by various main stream retailers so it can be done with out DD or the apprentice, it just takes a lot of hard work and persistence
  20. Often employers may not even realise they can take you on under 16 so first off I would say make sure you know the legalities of what is allowed. There is some info on here that might help. http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?itemId=1073792224&type=RESOURCES Then I would get your CV in order and just drop it off to as many local businesses as you can, ask of the manager if you can and hand it over personally, look smart, ask questions and create a good impression so even if they don’t have anything now they might remember you in a month or two if they do. As people have suggested small independent businesses are probably more likely to take you on as the likes of chains on the high street probably want more flexibility than the law will allow in relation to hours of working etc. Your CV can be a single A4 sheet, you should include sections with contact details, any qualifications you have already gained (don’t worry if you haven’t but things like referees quals or life saving always looks good), work experience (have you been gone out on block placemat from school? and the voluntary work you have already mentioned) and Skill Set (think abut all the skills you use in your education and in the voluntary work you do, communication,. team work, initiative) Drop them off every where you can think of, I know you mentioned Sheffield Scene as your ideal but try not to be too picky on the businesses you choose, you might be surprised. I very grudgingly took on a Saturday job at an opticians aged 15 because my perfect job only paid on commission and I was not confident to risk not getting paid. In the end I loved the optician’s job so much did it for 5 years putting myself through college and university and only leaving to go travelling at 21. Plus they paid for me to take a DO’s qualification, 2 months ago I was issued with a redundancy notice and mentioned it at my regular eye check up (I still go to the same place) they instantly offered me some hours to tide me over until I found something new (it is 10 years since I left the company). There is no way I would have that safety net if I had taken the job in the music shop even if it had been more fun at the time. Unfortunately the types of jobs you get at 15 do often suck (pot washing etc) but I say if working now to save is that important take what you can get to start you off and then start looking again when you hit 16 and more doors open, you will be in a much better position to be employed than those who haven’t started looking yet
  21. I agree, goto woodseats http://www.sewingmachinessheffield.com/ They serviced my 30+ year old machine after about 20 years stuck in a loft and it works like a dream. Very resonable price too
  22. Lula Belle is a new Sheffield based business, you can check her work out http://www.lula-belle-design.blogspot.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Lula-Belle-Design/119613401427580
  23. In celebration of their 150th year Old Silkstone Brass Band is pleased to present From Brass to Broadway, Songs from the Stage Featuring the singers of Southey Musical Theatre Company Join us for an evening of musical entertainment from all the shows you know and love. 1 July 2011 at 7:30pm Doors open from 7:00 Silkstone Lodge Cone Lane Barnsley S75 4LY Tickets £4.50 In advance or on the door Children under 12 are free Ticket bookings on 0797 135 0850 or liz.yoxall@gmail.com
  24. You can hire the upstairs room of Mama Leaonis in town at no cost other than the food (which is yummy)
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