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Morgans challenge - mega thread ALL here.


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i do feel sorry for refs though having to try to spot an elbow, deciding if its deliberate etc.


Surely its a matter of time before they sort out all these dodgy decisions which keep happening.

goal line decisions, refs giving 3 yellows (lol), elbows, two footed challenge's, diving, sick celebrations, the fa and Fifa have got a lot to be thankfull for, i don't think they would like it if one day every1 just stopped playing, until they found a decent solution to a big problem, then they would wake up.

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not sarcastic mate brooking could see this as a way to "pay back utd"


if utd dont act quick brooking will set up a witch hunt so to speak


so your admitting brookings bent then.


saddens me that a bloke is in hospital and some wendys are using it as a sick stunt to have a pop at united. i remember mick speight getting stretchered of at the sty on boxing day and wendys jeering him round the ground. seems its ok when it goes your way.


looking at it again i think it should have been a red. but you pigs on here are starting a witch hunt on morgan and most of you by your own admission hav'nt even seen it.

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Simon Davey is out of order with his comments regards this.


He is using Iain Hume as a pawn to have a rant at referees's and it is absolutely disgusting.


Hopefully Hume can get a speedy recovery and be back playing soon.


For me this wasn't a malicious challenge, and I could certainly not see any intent. The incident was basically Hume and Morgs going for a challenge together, Morgs was behind, got himself in front and did catch him with his elbow and won the ball.


For me, a yellow card shouldn't have been shown, never mind a red.


I am not a fan of Morgan as a player, I think he is a bit thuggish, however I will stick up for him on this occasion.


As for the other comments by Davey, if there was a stonewall penalty on Moore, then I didn't see it. I'm struggling to think of what incident he meant, never mind did I see any wrestling moves in action.

Honest Rob you really dont think that is a yellow card.You really suprise me man.:(:(
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Iwoudnt call it a witch hunt to be honest.Anyone who sees it will see exactly what Morgan does.Whether its your team or not it that kind of thing woudnt be allowed on a rugby pitch nevermind a football pitch.Have to say a bit suprised by one or two blades comments on here who have seen the incident .I did say earlier that sufc shoudnt and will not be made accountable for this incident but come on look at what morgan has done to the guy.::(:(

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LOL..... im sorry i really shouldnt laugh, but its Morgan! If any other player did anything like that i would be disgusted but its Morgan!


But yeah its not good. But if he gets banned (which he should) we will only have one proper center back :>

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Hm and theres know sign of the ball.Enough already.:(:(

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