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Who's the celebrity in the Ferrari?

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Originally posted by nick2

I'd be intrested to know what cars people think are stylish, as opposed to knob extensions or mid-life-crisis cars that I think Ferraris/Porches are seen as.


Very true.


We were glad to give the one we borrowed back cos you could tell what everyone was thinking which left us feeling embarrassed.


Having said all that, it was for free and was a bit of a laugh.

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Not really on the subject, except peripherally, but some years ago I worked for a dot.com company for a while. The Big Boss has some penile extension car or other that had some sort of carbon fibre composite body.


We were ecstatic to learn that one day this £100,000 plaything had taken a rear end shunt that shattered the body and effectively wrote it off.


In that moment I finally had proof that God is up there and has an exquisite sense of humour... :D



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Originally posted by Greenback

The best thing to do is not to stare, as it only encourages them.


With the way some folk act you'd think Ecclesall Road was the new Mayfair, rather then a rag-bag collection of over-priced restaurants, rubbish, tacky pubs (hello Champs!) and poncey coffee shops full of blokes with jumpers draped around their necks. None more over-rated than this stretch of tarmac.





Why are you against Sheffield having an up-market, cosmopolitan road yet quite happy to accept that London can have one? Just because we live OOOP NARTH doesn't mean we're not allowed a nice, 'trendy' place to wine and dine at. Would you rather they were all pigeon fancying instead?

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Originally posted by t020

Why are you against Sheffield having an up-market, cosmopolitan road yet quite happy to accept that London can have one? Just because we live OOOP NARTH doesn't mean we're not allowed a nice, 'trendy' place to wine and dine at. Would you rather they were all pigeon fancying instead?


It's not 'trendy' though, trendy is the Forum, or Crystal or the other fashionable bars in town.

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Originally posted by t020

Why are you against Sheffield having an up-market, cosmopolitan road yet quite happy to accept that London can have one? Just because we live OOOP NARTH doesn't mean we're not allowed a nice, 'trendy' place to wine and dine at. Would you rather they were all pigeon fancying instead?


Being trendy and cosmopolitan does not mean you have to own crap cars.

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Originally posted by Lucy_Smith

I don't think a ferrari would be my first choice if I were ever loaded but I don't think I'd call it "crap". I wouldn't turn one down!!!


Neither would I.


I'd gratefully accept this gift, and place an advert in a carsales paper at the first opportunity.

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