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The "I am currently reading" thread


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'Life Moves Pretty Fast: the lessons we learned from eighties movies (and why we don't learn them from movies any more)' by Hadley Freeman. If you were a young girl in the 80s the significance of 'Dirty Dancing' might have passed you by as you gazed in silent awe at Patrick Swayze. Read this book to discover what your fifteen year old self missed, and then plan on spending more time with Netflix and your DVDs.

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Just finished The Dyfed Enigma by Randall Jones Pugh and F.W. Holiday, all about UFO sightings in Wales in 1977. Now onto Just Another Word by Ivor Brown, which is one of a series of books he wrote about archaic words; essentially the sort of book that Peter Bowler does these days.

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Since I handed in my draft I have been reading the Game of Thrones books, I haven't seen the series yet, as I like to read the books before I watch stuff like that. I have to say, I was pleasantly surprised with the first, but for some reason the format doesn't appeal long term. I am struggling through the final book now and I don't think I'll get the next book.


Coming up is the new Kazuo Ishiguoro, can't wait to start on that.

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I'm about half way through "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" by the Israeli academic, Yuval Noah Harari. The book contains some speculative but fairly convincing ideas about the early days of mankind. That the Agricultural Revolution was not, in many ways, a good thing for the wellbeing of the human race is one of the more surprising ideas he puts forward.

Edited by fatrajah
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i dont read many books but just finished the 4 walking dead novels, now currently reading the latest Hellraiser book by Clive Barker "the scarlet gospels" so far its awesome, gorey and a lil bit on the weird pervy side as youd expect from the hellraisers lol

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Ive just finished the Hunger games Trilogy. Theyre really easy to read, probably because I believe theyre aimed at teenagers! I really enjoyed them tho, and theyve made me think I would like to see the films. Theres not many books that make me think that.

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