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Proposed future law - Incitement to cause hatred against Homosexuals

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dont be so over protective with your religious iconology.

people have always bast ardised political / religious icons / art...check out winston smith or crass record covers.

they only offend those that want to be offended or take things waaaaaay too seriously, the rest of us just let it wash over us.



so what if they were gay, i could do it im not gay, plenty of none gay people mock christianity etc

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Yes, and you can't see it can you. You can't see the offence it causes. And you talk as if you are the only people to be wronged and it is people like your lot who are causing offence to others.


ONE lot, not every gay person


believe it or not theres gay christians too

theres gay everybodys out there, some would even be offended by that article

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Yes, and you can't see it can you. You can't see the offence it causes. And you talk as if you are the only people to be wronged and it is people like your lot who are causing offence to others.


Oooh 'er, I didn't realise all the Pythons were gay - I mean, they must be, 'cos they mocked Jesus in The Life of Brian!


And it's people like your lot, who think everyboy should follow YOUR rules, that are causing even more offence to others.

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This beggars belief......so a group (clearly pictured) sitting on one side of a table with wine etc is mocking Jesus is it....so the photo was taken using the same grouping pattern as used by many artists depicting the Last Supper....surely where they are sat is purely a logistical decision.....not anything based on religion.....if that was so then I will never sit at another table again unless my meaning (I sit therefore I eat) is misconstrued. And if it is mocking Jesus then so what.....if you are walking true with your God and your faith a picture or an event won't make an ounce of difference.


Grahame, you have an answer for anything and everything that doesn't conform to your way of thinking (Good Grief, how many more times do we have to discuss this)......and with respect, if this thread and its contents offends you then don't go on it.....

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ONE lot, not every gay person


believe it or not theres gay christians too

theres gay everybodys out there, some would even be offended by that article


Yes, and then you get gays marching aggressively through the streets, something about being proud and making a big song and dance about it. We don't want to know, why can't you just act normally?

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Yes, and then you get gays marching aggressively through the streets, something about being proud and making a big song and dance about it. We don't want to know, why can't you just act normally?


And you are just the type of person this thread is aimed at....you are clearly on here displaying your hatred of homosexuals....


"ACT NORMALLY".....just how offensive are you....and who is the WE who don't want to know......I despair of you Grahame, you are here on this thread just to incite hatred of something YOU don't agree with.....but we all don't live in Grahame's world where your word and your views are to be strictly adhered to....get with the programme Grahame......homosexuals are NORMAL.

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