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Everything posted by jayaa

  1. i worked at homeric too , from 1987 until it closed it 1990 . I worked in the bottom warehouse with Sandra ,my auntie (Ellen Furniss) was the supervisor in the top warehouse , she worked with Molly . My husband used to work in the tool room there .
  2. I was there this time last year , i opted not to make another appointment to pick up results , instead i was told they would be posted out a week from the date of my biopsy, but if anything important came up they would ring me to come in . It was an anxious wait for a week and a mini panic attack everytime the phone rang , but luckily i received no phone call and good results through the post about 10 days later. Good luck with your tests x
  3. yes its my friends hubby , he is still trading but think they are on hol
  4. Is the British Heart Foundation zumbathon still going ahead this Sunday ? hope its not rained off !
  5. Ive signed up , and trying to get the rest of our Zumba class to join
  6. No one mentioned the Bassetts logo or Fletchers bread (on the delivery vans)
  7. Shared ROb's post on face book - already got a few friends interested in it !
  8. quite a few off with it where i work - goes around every year at this time , problem is the illness is infectious for a few days before the spots appear so they have probably passed it onto to others before anyone knows they have got it. In my experience with my three children, the younger they catch it the better .
  9. My son had grommets fitted twice as he was diagnosed with glue ear at 2 yrs old and his hearing levels were always up and down at each check up (he only ever had one ear infection though) . His speech was delayed a little and like you say Claire , it was as if he was hearing the words different to how we pronounced them, but by the time he was about 6 yrs old he had caught up with his peers and now as he turns into a teenager all those early worries seem along time ago. The actual op to fit the grommets was very simple and he was back at nursery the next day . Good luck with the audio appt x
  10. I went to Foxhill from 75 to 83 , my mum still has all my old school pics and reports . Mr Holding was the head and i remember Mr Carr and Mrs Baines being my favourite teachers. I also remember a Mrs Shaw and a Ms Robinson. One of my main memories is helping to paint the big dinosaur picture that used to be on the bottom playground
  11. I can recommend the Crystal clear training , We used them to do some in house training at work last week, the trainer was very friendly and the course was delivered in a clear and well paced way. All for a very good price too
  12. my orange phone showed no service at about 7.15 tonight , had to turn it off and on again to get it working
  13. what about nicknames given to roads , like 'jawbone hill' that leads from Oughtibridge to Grenoside , not sure what its real name is !
  14. my 3g went off between 3 and 6 pm ...thought my iphone was going the same way as blackberrys have been the last few days! Glad to see it was orange at fault not the phone
  15. I was born in the northern general as were my parents and my three children , my maternal grandmother was born in Durham though so i have some Geordie in me
  16. I used to like the Warner brothers shop that had non disney film merchandise . But i agree the pile of teddies in the disney store was great
  17. I was actually really surprised she passed the checks with her very short skirt! I bought it from Pinders but think its quite short for a school thats trying to promote a smart look! Oh and she caught the bus to school which got there late as it got caught up in the traffic at malin bridge ! She walked home though .
  18. the laces bit on the flyer just means no coloured laces in trainers - my daughter wore black lace up brogues today and passed all the checks !
  19. I saw this guy on monday and again today - he passes my work on a regular basis whatever the weather. ive signed the petition to get him to carry the olympic torch - i cant think of anyone worthier !
  20. You forgot to mention Ellen too! The 10 Furniss 'kids' were: John (RIP) Frank Mary Joan Tom Michael Josie (RIP) Ellen Chris (RIP) Steve Me and Kerry are among the many offspring , and there are also lots of third generation -too many on the family tree to fit on here lol !
  21. yep Frank is one of us too - we are a big family Mike not on facebook - his son and wife both are - whats your name Chap blade i'll tell his son to look 4 you .
  22. Spoke to my mum Stewart , she wants to know how u know each other - did u go to school together or did u live nearby ? She is intrigued lol ! pm me your surname - that might help her remember Hi kerry , i know your mum Mary - she happens to be my auntie and was at my house on sunday along with most of the other furniss's and u ! haha ! Tash i'll pass your msg on to Mike through his son on face book, he lives in Lincoln so dont see him as often as rest of the family
  23. I am one of the Furniss's from keats rd! Mike is my uncle , the one who went to hartlepool is my mum (Joan -not jane!) she only went there for a yr for school. Most of the Furniss's still live in or around Foxhill including my mum - not on Keats rd anymore though , that was my Grandmas house . I can pass any messages on for anyone !
  24. My friend is a nurse in the a&e at SCH , she works long hrs and cant just clock off when its hometime if she is with a patient. the work can be very demanding and often very upsetting as no one likes seeing a child ill! I will pass on the positive comments from this thread - im sure she will appreciate them Thank you ! 2 of my three children have been long term out patients at the childrens and my son had a 2 wk stay there last yr which was down to the expertise of the A&E staff for spotting how ill he was when i thought he had just pulled a muscle!I have nothing but praise for the hardworking staff there !
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