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Everything posted by gijoebloggs

  1. I lived there in the Blue block (Norfolk) and yeah the flats were great for town but the estate was like a demilitarised zone.
  2. Yeah I’d not wanna be young now, back in them days a tenner was all you needed for a good night and pullin was proper easy
  3. I have to admit that when I was on a night out with some friends a few weeks ago I ended up been the only one left in the pub watching drinks when everyone else was outside smoking. I don’t understand why we could not of just made pubs have smoking and no smoking area’s.
  4. I don’t believe the school should call you bigoted, however I do believe that you need to look further ahead in your son’s working career. I would for the local government and on a day-to-day basis have to deal with people from all different religion’s and if I had not been taught RE in School then I would have real difficulties. Yes reading, writing and maths are very important but so is understanding that we are not all the same and this is only taught in RE. An example at the moment is as its Ramadan I have been swapping shifts with a colleague so she can get up and eat before her fasting starts. I don’t mind this at all as come Christmas she is only to willing to trade shifts with me.
  5. What I don’t understand is the fact most people seem to take offence in having seats reclined into their faces from all parts of the world, so why do the airlines fit them with this function at all?
  6. There is no way I could manage! My drive to work takes 17-25 min’s each way and I work shifts between 08.00-20.00. I did look into getting the bus and it turns out I would have to travel for 1 ½ - 2 hours and change busses 2/3 times!
  7. Hi Can anyone remember a picture that was very popular in the 70’s/80’s of a country lane with really tall trees on it with a man walking along walking his dog? It was in a golden and brown sort of haze? Driving me mad! Cheers,
  8. A Classic Example! Back in 1998 I lived on Claywood Drive and remember one morning getting into the lift with a man and his son and the son asking his dad why I was wearing funny clothes. I was actually wearing a uniform for work. The father said to the son “those are his work clothes, he must be going to work” the son then said, “why does he have to work when we don’t and we live in the same place?” the father replied to the son “exactly”
  9. I went and the one thing I would recoment is a helicopter tour! the firm we went with was liberty and they were very very good! http://www.libertyhelicopter.com/
  10. I went into the garden last night and saw a shooting star but that was all.
  11. Cheers sure could not be doing all that these days lol
  12. When I was 18 I worked cleaning in the morning, behind a bar at lunch, cleaning in the afternoon then a couple of hours sleep and then all night as a petrol station attendant. All three of those jobs a lot of people would not of done but hey it paid the rent and bills.
  13. Don’t think there are anymore weigh and save shops, how about ASDA cake mixture? Just buy a few bags and increase the number of eggs! Easy!
  14. Thanks to all for your suggestions, I still wonder why some recipes call for an egg? Is that mainly when battering potato when making dabs?
  15. Hi Sarah1, in the link you sent some of the people said that it tastes bitter was this the case?
  16. I’m going to have a go at making fish and chips from scratch tonight and wanted to get some advice, when making a batter mix should I use an egg or not?
  17. I was just reading something on the net about Attercliffe and started to think back to the old days as a teenager when I discovered the gay scene in Attercliffe. I remember the first bar I visited was Barcelona and with every drink you bought you got 50p of the club entry price for the planet across the road. When you got to the planet you had to ring a bell and a bouncer would look through a spy hole and ask what you want and then you had to say you wanted to come in (if my memory serves me correct). I remember when a mini bus was put on to take people from Club XS to Manhattans, Barcelona and the club and if you ran out of cash they would take you to a ATM up the road. Wonder what ever happened to all those people…
  18. Hi I’m hoping someone can give me a bit of advise, I have an X reg Golf GTI and for some reason when I go over a bump in the road (such as speed bumps) the rear drivers side suspension squeaks. I’m really skint at the moment so don’t want a garage to go looking for trouble (as knowing my luck they will find it) but really just wanna know if it’s safe enough to leave until a later date. Cheers,
  19. I have two different ways, if I fancy sweet then it’s a normal pancake with nutella on or of savoury then it is a pancake mix with coarse black pepper in poured into a frying pan that has fried up bits of square sausage in. It turns into a kind of pancake style toad in the hole
  20. We in the UK should have done a scheme like this in the 1970’s-1980’s. If we had then there may still be a British car industry!
  21. Yeah my partner and I were watching it too and are both sure she said £150 per week as well.
  22. In relation to what you have been told about the fact water pumps can not just go I can tell you first hand this is not true. 12 months ago my partner and I were driving on the motorway in a 2002 Hyundai Coupe and all of a sudden the temp went through the roof and smoke started to bellow out of the car. We stopped and called out a rescue service and the car was towed to the dealership that confirmed the water pump had packed up. We had no prior warning.
  23. Thanks for all your suggestions, they are really appreciated.
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