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Everything posted by Leoni

  1. A couple of questions: 1. Where can I get cheap part worn tyres in Sheffield? (size 195/50/15). 2. Is it illegal to not have a spare wheel? A friend of mine seems to think its only illegal to carry a faulty one, and that if I dont carry one at all then its perfectly legal. Any idea if this is correct?
  2. Well good and bad for me really, started off fairly average, had a good week away with my family, came back and started slimming world (since then I've lost nearly 5 stone, so thats brilliant), but I've also split from my boyfriend of 4 years. Not as bad as it sounds though, was a mutual decision and is best for both of us, its what we wanted and now my future is looking brighter. I'm looking forward to moving into my new place this month, so fingers crossed that will all go well. In my opinion, however, there is still a few weeks left of summer, so maybe ask me again in October and I'll let you know what my lasting memory will be!
  3. I didn't think anybody knew of that film these days!! My mother suggested I watch it when I was quite young and I've loved it ever since. You're right, the kid was great. Makes me sob every time!
  4. haha.... I can put your 'dongle' out of action for you but it might not be pleasant!!
  5. Thanks. Thats what I meant, scrap yards. I'm not from Sheffield though so dont really know any. I'll google and make a few calls tomorrow (when there will be somebody there to answer) but thought in the meantime a post on here couldn't do any harm!
  6. I'm livid!! My car is parked on the same street every night, along with about 15 other cars. A few months ago, my wing mirror (always passenger side) got kicked off over night, about 5 or 6 times in the space of about 3 weeks. The local shop have CCTV cameras, but conveniently it was never in sight of the cameras when it happened. Luckily, I always managed to get it back on and there was no real damage done. This morning I've gone out to the car and its happened again, only this time part of it has snapped, and I can't get it back on. (and yet again it was out of view of the cameras). I know that there's pretty much naff all I can do about it, other than shell out for a new one and hope the little scrotes don't do it again. (why is it always my car, too, none of the others are ever damaged when I go out in the morning). Its pretty hopeless calling the police, they wont do owt, just wondered if anybody else had had anything similar happen? I dont really know anybody in the area, so can't have offended or upset anyone, and the car is parked on different parts of the road each time, so its not like somebody else wants to park where I am. Advice please - I really dont want to keep paying out for this if its just gonna keep happening!
  7. I'm in need of a second hand (or new if its cheap enough) wing mirror for a 1999 Ford Fiesta Zetec. Its for the passenger door, and is Dark Green in colour. Please PM me if anybody knows where I might be able to get one, or if you're a braker etc and might have one in stock. Thanks Leoni
  8. If the period is abnormal and late you could still be pregnant. It is not unheard of to bleed during pregnancy. And you dont always show all the signs. I would say that what you have suggested is enough to believe you could be. Only one way to find out - got to put your mind at rest if nothing else.
  9. I'm not sure where I heard it, I think it might have been on here, but it was along the lines of : Women will never be as successful as men because they don't have a wife behind them pushing them in the right direction.... Dont quote me on that though - pardon the punn!!
  10. Other than the usual 'going anywhere nice on your holidays this year?', what can you chat about with your hairdresser? I spent about an hour and half having my hair cut earlier today, and couldn't help but feel awkwardly silent the whole time. I didn't know the lady (although I'm sure she was very nice), so didn't really need to know much about her, and I'm sure she felt the same. Neither of us really wanted to know the life story of the other, so chat about work etc was pretty pointless! Any ideas how to cure this awkwardness next time??...........
  11. Thanks. It sure is. But it helps that I've got a LOT to lose. I think if I were one of these size tens going in and requesting to lose 10lb off a backsize that hardly exists, then I'd struggle to get that 2stone loss.... I'm sure as I get smaller the losses will get smaller, and therefore more difficult. But I'd still recommend the diet.
  12. I've not read all of this thread so I apologise if its already been suggested, buy why not try Slimming World?? I started 7 weeks ago, and I've lost 2 stone 8lb (and thats not a Typo)! I'm so pleased I can't even begin to explain it. I think going to the group makes a massive difference too, we're all very supportive of each other and get along well. I can't reccommend it enough. Good luck. x
  13. Thanks all, it was only £2.30/£2.40 when I got there, and that would have seen me through until 7 this morning. Cheers though.
  14. Sorry if this has already been covered, but I'm in a bit of a rush and need a quick answer. I need to go to Northern General tonight, and I've been told that it could be free to park in the evenings, does anybody know if this is true?? and if its not, any idea what the costs are like? I have limited cash on me!
  15. I've been known to fancy blokes with dark hair, ginger hair, and blonde hair, although admittedly less so the blonde fellas (even though my current, and most serious boyfriend is blonde!). For me though, its usually just a sense of humour that gets my attention. It is definitely possible to laugh somebody into bed, and usually you just have to be able to make me laugh and there's the start of an attraction forming. As cliche as it may be, all your wonderful looks can be irrelevant if you can't make me laugh. Unless of course we're talking just 'one-off' partners, and then I'd probably take more notice of the colour of your eyes and how tall you are, rather than the colour of your hair, if you have any. (Green eyes are always best, although I quite like really dark brown eyes lately!).
  16. I can also vouch for Rachel O'Malley - she came and did mine, I was very pleased with the way they looked and they lasted for ages. Lovely lady too (just make sure you've got decent tea bags, haha!). Would definitely have her back again.
  17. Well I'm from Essex, and my accent is about a southern as it could get (although I'm working on getting a sheffield one!!) and I happen to think that it should be said 'glass' and not 'glarse'... the clue is in the spelling. However, I do tend to say 'glarse' just because thats how I've been brought up and it takes a while to lose the habit I guess...... The longer I live in Sheffield, the more things I realise I've been pronouncing wrong for over 20 years!!!
  18. Can't say I've been myself, but I can reccommend a nice caravan I recently stayed in on the East Coast - you could probably get it for next to nothing for a week or so too!!! I've even got the number for the guy that owns it if you want it??
  19. Well I probably wouldn't say no to any of the above (apart from Tom Cruise - far too short... I have a massive height issue). But none of them would be my first choice. Not sure who would though, would be a close call between James Corden, Dara O'Brien, Robbie Williams and Russell Brand
  20. Correct him. Be it with his spellings or when he uses the wrong word/phrase. Even when I clearly know what he means. It REALLY REALLY gets to him. I'm such a grammar freak, I just can't help it!
  21. I'm scared of the dark!! Always have been. Dunno why, I dont mind being outside in the dark, I just dont like being in a dark room. Its not so bad if there is somebody else in the room though, I find. Not sure I'll ever grow out of it now!
  22. Oooer... sounds very strange. And I can imagine it must be very scary at the time. Thankfully my situation is not quite that bad!! I often wake in tears too, if I've had a bad dream, and sometimes even for no reason known to me... and I'm not quite a man or shaven headed, but I'm not far from 6 feet 2 either!! I guess even as fully grown (or sometimes overgrown, haha) adults, we are still allowed to be scared occassionally.
  23. Garry and Simon? Chinese & Alan Noel & Edmond?? Such a shame one of them is a girl!! Pete and Dawn!! Mick and Pam!! Or, aside from Gavin & Stacey - how about Mowgli and Bloo?? In my experience cats like to climb (in my case, the curtains)... my housemate has nicknamed my kitten Mowgli
  24. Try Netto on Queens Road... not sure about Scarfs but I got a little England Kit on a sucker thing to go in the window of my car (only £1, too).. and they had quite a few other england bits in there.
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