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Everything posted by Stoatwobbler

  1. Scorpion lollipops as well. Can't forget about those. Last time I was in there I went for the safe option and had a pork & fennel salami type thing. I wasn't in the mood for wierd species.
  2. This really does not make Labour the sort of party I'd want to have owt to do with. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/tony-blair/10676700/Tony-Blair-could-make-large-donation-to-Labour.html
  3. I was last at the Grove in November. I honestly can't think of a better pub then that. Have you seen some of the stuff they sell as bar snacks BTW?
  4. Indeed. There are plenty of other good beery things happening elsewhere on their opening day. I'm sure there will be plenty of people queueing up to voice there opinions on Brewdog Sheffield once it's actually open.
  5. The situation in Crimea does not appear to be getting any better. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-26379722
  6. What is happening in the Crimea is incredibly worrying.... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-26366700
  7. So there we have it, UKIP want to get us out of the EU to make the British people much worse off then they already are. ---------- Post added 26-02-2014 at 12:10 ---------- Just to say that your posts on this thread have been excellent.
  8. You can't manage without Chinese goods. You can argue about the rights and wrongs of that til you are blue in the face but sooner or later you are going to have to face reality. Would you even be posting on this website without Chinese manufactures?
  9. I don't think most people realise the benefits of free trade at all, and UKIP capitalise on peoples ignorance of the benefits of free trade as much as they can. It should be said of course, what those of us who do recognise the need for free trade need to be more vocal against UKIP protectionist twaddle. Simply carping about "little englanders" does not cut the mustard.
  10. If we actually want to continue to trade and do business with our neighbours then yes, we will still have to abide by EU single market rules. It's just that if we leave the EU we lose any say in the making of those rules.
  11. Devonshire Cat definitly doesn't belong on a list of "traditional pubs". It may have it's plus points but I would not consider it a traditional pub. To be honest, by keeping to the city centre this article misses out some of the best traditional pubs such as the Sheaf View.
  12. I'm not sure about that. Clegg won't exactly be speaking in favour of a popular cause, the tendency of his party to be uncritical of the EU in spite of its many faults will probably go down worse then Farage being critical of just about everything the EU has ever done.
  13. As Farage & Clegg represent the two extremes of opinion on the European Union, this debate might not be all that enlightening as it stands...... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/nick-clegg/10653279/Nigel-Farage-agrees-to-EU-debate-with-Nick-Clegg.html
  14. I am strongly in favour of recall elections, and asked a question about this at a hustings meeting at the last general elections. Candidates from the 3 main parties were all VERY unenthusiastic about it, even though it was in all their manifesto's. In a sense I'm quite relaxed about this, as the proposals as they stood were not as good as I'd have liked. The proposals put too much power into the hands of parliament, and effectively just strengthed the hands of parliamentary whips to disipline MP's who don't tow the line. Hopefully if and when this subject raises its head in future we can get a better bill out of it then the one that was on the table.
  15. May I suggest growing up a bit? You'll find the French & Germans are much easier to do business with if you aren't going round calling names. ---------- Post added 15-02-2014 at 12:52 ---------- There's a lot more to the EU then the common agricultural policy. However, there is an awful lot wrong with the CAP and it badly needs reforming IMHO. ---------- Post added 15-02-2014 at 12:54 ---------- Didn't quite a lot of Western Europe have empires and colonies back then?
  16. As beneficial as the single market is, I don't think a lot of people understand how beneficial it is for Britain. I agree that there is a difference between being a Euro-sceptic and bring anti-EU.
  17. The single market is beneficial to the UK, and we need to be part of it for trade reasons. However, just because I think we are better of in the EU does not mean I think we should accept the bad things about the EU. Our best option is to stay in and fight for reform of the EU. If we leave the EU we don't be able to do that, but we will still have to abide by single market rules in order to trade with our neighbours.
  18. I will be voting. If you don't vote then politicans will not pay any attention to your concerns, and may even go out of their way to dream up bad policies such as the bedroom tax that harm your own interests. As dreadful as our current buch of politicians are, not voting really does let them off the hook. I haven't decided who I'll be voting for in any elections as they are all a way off as yet. I'll try and swot up on the candidates and parties closer to the time.
  19. In my experience, people in that there London are nothing like as bad for making judgements about others based on where they live as Sheffielders are. Partly I think because areas such as Islington and Hackney are more varied then Sheffield suburbs such as Eccleshall or the Manor.
  20. Sheffield Forum is wildly unrepresentitive of Sheffield folk on a number of things, but not postcode snobbery.
  21. I've lived most of my adult life down in Essex and with a couple of small exceptions, you really don't get that down there. I spend a bit of time in Chesterfield as well these days. Again, I've found that people there don't judge you by where you live anything like as much as Sheffielders do.
  22. One of the worst things about Sheffield is that way that people judge and make assumptions about others based on postcode.
  23. Power cut in S2 area right now. Certainly affecting Lower Manor. Anywhere else affected?
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