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Neutral body

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Everything posted by Neutral body

  1. Its a sign, it tells you what is there. It does its job. There is not a lot more that can be said.
  2. Its because our taxes do not go to a fund marked "educating retards about where to dump rubbish".
  3. Have you fully represented his side of the case including any medical reports? Just asking in the interest of balance.
  4. Try asking a qualified financial advisor. They Might just know what they are talking about.
  5. Tried the polite route and found it does not work so now resort to impolite. - It works. (I just pretend I am talking to poster on here)
  6. Thus rendering himself liable to prosecution and dismissall for allowing the gangway to be obstructed.
  7. People often make the mistake of assumiing there will be sensible debate on here. They soon learn otherwise
  8. A statement made obviously on the basis of cost only. As a company stagecoach have the morals of a rat. No I do not and never have worked for First.
  9. The bigggest problem with public forums is that they are open to the public. All of them. Even the ones you feel are akin to something you would wipe of the sole of your shoe. Oh yes and they are proud of their ignorance. They have been on this thread already and no doubt will return and as long as they do this forum will deserve the poor reputation it has.
  10. The reason it is not on their site is obvious. The fact it is not there does not mean it is not happening though. A brief insight into what stagecoach are really like. They are very good at marketing themselves as whiter than white. Just be grateful they do not have a monopoly here, you would not like it at all if they had. Believe me you would be begging first to come back.
  11. The details are starting to filter through. The first details to emerge are Tram fare £1.70 will rise to £2.00, Day rider rises from £3.00 to £3.50 . The tram link single will rise from £2.30 to £2.50. The current £2.10 fare will be reuced to £2.00. So as predicted a load of hot air to disguise what they are really up to. Good old stagecoach - so predictable.
  12. There will be a rise in tram fares from mrch 29th. Is this part of the new deal offered by stagecoach. And if so why re they not shouting about it?
  13. I am sure they are grateful for all the free publicity we have been giving them.
  14. That is not relevant. Theft is theft no matter if the bike is locked or not. Leaving a bike unlocked is not an indiction that is is no longer required. They only need to be locked as some parents are not able to teach their offspring that theft is wrong.
  15. Well, not being a lentil eating macramé practicing do gooder I can only completely disagree.
  16. To ban or otherwise prevent these organisations does not remove the views of its members. We are much better off having these groups out in the public domain where we can see what they are up to and supporting. To drive them underground takes them off the radar and permits them to act without being observed. If like me you do not support their views just ignore them and turn your back if you come acros their march. I also do this if I come across the equally distasteful left wing groups.
  17. One of many examples of this. Post office scales would appear to be rather innacurate. They are supposed to be calibrated regularly but I suspect they are not being done. Use a different post office or report the one you use.
  18. Some passengers need to learn to accept the phrase " I missed the bus"
  19. Another idea. Accept these cameras and set off 20 seconds earlier that will get you to your destination at the same time as before. Schools tend to be in residential areas so 30 should not be a problem to most right minded people.
  20. No thats called patronising. They should only be civil. Any more is a bonus.
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