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Everything posted by Nicesheff

  1. Just get a free one of freecycle , save your money, why get yourself in to debt just to have a "nice telly"
  2. They are a complete con for people who dont know better.
  3. Pigeon are vermin and should be left to die or killed.
  4. Sumtimes, depends on the chicken, ive given mine a bath before now, then blow dried with a hair dryer, not to close and not to hot
  5. You can still smell the old coalite works if the wind is blowing in the right direction near Bolsover
  6. I think if thier parents were better educated and didnt allow thier kids to turn in to heiffer lumps we wouldnt have a problem Its poor cooking and parenting skills that are to blame!
  7. thats like asking how longs a piece of string Depends on the job role etc etc
  8. Luckily been able to get the onions in the top bed on the allotment as the soil is some what dryer, but this weather is dragging!
  9. I thought banjo was something men had?
  10. Yep its my mate, pass it on to me and ill give it him
  11. Was that poor they only put two through on one of them!
  12. When i sold a house through "location line" estate agents i managed to get them to do all the work and ended up not paying them a penny. Happy days!!
  13. Not seeds but ive put my onion sets in @ the weekend
  14. Does anyone know the opening times of G Casino?Cant log on to thier site
  15. For that kind of house etc i would go for a homebuyers survey, while not a full building survey it is quiite detailed. A valuation isnt worth the paper its written on, its also only for the lender and no real use to you Theres not point going for anything less, you dont want to buy the house and discover something which costs £££. You might as well spend about £200-300 now and save yourself any possible heartache With regards to the roof repairs you are some what mistaken on insurance. Wheather or not you have roof problems they wouldnt be covered as the insurance would only cover it if for example there had been high winds to dislodge tiles(the resultant water ingress damage may/may not be covered). People often make this mistake thinking insurance will cover anything and then get a shock when thier claim is repudiated. You should also read up on house insurance etc
  16. when will people learn that they shouldnt give in to these scavangers?
  17. When will people learn its NOT a fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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