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Barry Noid

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Everything posted by Barry Noid

  1. So sayeth the poster that wets its pants when it thunders and lightnings ?? :hihi:
  2. Queue Robot voice : "This is a recording from British Telecom your call is being re directed to ************ police station.... " see how long before they hang up and never call you back again ??? Simples
  3. I allways find that people that do not know that they are drunk wander on to internet forums and post things that they or someone else are going to regret the following day evenin all.....
  4. for the love of peace and quiet dont mention the mail, it gets you a forum holiday.... :hihi:
  5. Try not declaring a sorn on your car and see how long it is before you start getting spam mail from dubious credit companies is the answer to the dvla point. From a mobile phone point of view the police have been able to approximate your position on 2g mobiles for some time now using mast signal triangulation but this is only accurate to an n'th degree, as per 3g or gps signals they are only 100% accurate for 95% of the time and 95% accurate for 100% of the time, this is so that military sensitive installations cannot be plotted using gps by subversives.. as per the phones getting information by being read whilst switched off ... rubbish !! may I turn your attention to the data protection act ..
  6. HOY !!! Mr Westwood, My wife drinks special brew and she is neither a chavette nor a religious fanatic. Anything brewed to honour the great Winston Churchill cant be all that bad now can it ??
  7. I have had many Decent trout up to 4lbs out of the don around the Neepsend gasometer to hillfoot stretch and all on the fly !! Have also seen other anglers take out some nice little grayling and big chub on worm and luncheon meat respectively. As a responsible angler I always only ever leave one thing where I have been fishing.. Footprints.. I do my bit to clean up the river every time I go fishing on the Don, I am invariably wearing my waders when fishing so I always clean up the crap stuck on the weirs, if every angler,walker or biker did there bit the Don would be one of the best rivers in the north. But like other people have mentioned whenever a river once maligned starts to fish well there are allways "clubs" that want to take some form of authority over it. They may start out with the best intentions of letting everyone fish where they want but sticking "Private Fishing" notices up is going to make a lot of Sheffield anglers that have fished the river for years and years a tad resentful. I for one will pay no notice whatsoever to any "Private Fishing" signs on the Don having fished it for nearly 25 years as is my right being a holder of a rod license.
  8. Got a turntable with a usb out on it and an mp3 usb on the car stereo I just love the crackly sound from vinyl its soooo nostalgic...
  9. Ten bob for Deelite and two bob for Whitesnake, the missus does a great dance to Deelite and you cant beat a bit of whitesnake in the car..
  10. Why should the kids have all the fun ?? Do you realise just how un cool it was driving round in a 1.7 diesel astra panda car eating dust from boy racers in their MAX POWER replicas ?? well theres one in the eye for you By the way did you know that the new evo 10's that south yorkshire police are getting put out 425 bhp at the wheels... EAT OUR DUST boy racers.. :hihi:
  11. I'm with Irene on this one, Oversized exhaust are an abomination and should be banned.... In the name of childish pranks How the hell are you going to make a car backfire with a sneakily squished spud stuffed in the pipe ?? you would need to spend a lot of money on a melon or similar nowadays with these new fangled boy racer exhausts... Hang em all I say
  12. Evenin all... The scars in the tarmac are induction (magnetic) loops that tell the lights when to change as and when traffic is not over the loop they will send a signal to the programme unit (box) at the base of the light heads telling them to go red and let the other traffic that is parked up over the loops in the opposite direction continue on turning them green and vice versa but there are also gatso cameras that do not work on the loops but are built into the system and constantly monitor the flow of traffic using radar or lazer and it is they that change the lights, in so, doing away with the loops in the road. Hope thats clear
  13. Have you thought about keeping a diary of events cynic ? Keep a personal log of who said what, who did what, how it affected people and who it affected. Then talk to a reputable firm of solicitors outlining your concerns for your own job and the effects on other co workers, at least then there is a third party involved and if they do decide to give you the push because of your concerns at work you always have constructive dismissal as a way of hitting them where it hurts.
  14. You could try this after saving your word to disc...http://www.ehow.com/how_2091899_format-mac-g4-hard-drive.html not really up on mac but a fresh install should do the trick..
  15. Has she stolen the Beckhams bling ?? Or is she hiding a squirrel somewhere on her person ?? we need to know
  16. Sorry Alcoblog but am working on a much bigger project at the moment ! Its on similar lines to the HC but goes a step deeper. Off to the shed to feed the Squirrels Dupres is hungry after coming back from 2525. Will run my idea by you when I get back in later.
  17. So what are you saying then ? they would rather trust torrent sites to download a new operating system that is no more than an evaluation copy anyway ? It makes no sense whatsoever to use an illegal copy of a free trial. I am using windows 7 that was downloaded from microsoft and I dont see any problems with it up to now, I read yesterday that the retail version is going to be released in late july early august this year so anyone wanting to try the RC version should be downloading it now from the official microsoft site, that way you get to use it while march 2010 with all the updates and features of the final release version. To all those that had a momentary lapse of reason and obtained a pirated copy complete with the nasties...... HA !!!
  18. THIS THREAD HAS NOW BEEN TAKEN OVER BY THE SQUIRREL APPRECIATION SOCIETY !! It seems that Alcoblog has reached his aim of manufacturing his garden hadron collider and been drawn into the world that is run by the squirrel mafia.. Long live Dupres...... part the fifth... Dupres makes plans...... After rescuing his future self from a macabre circus of death and perversion, Stockton Dupres and Lovey 343 devise a risky plan. His future self was driven mad in a laboratory where he was subject to inhumane experiments for centuries after the squirrels lost the war in 2009. The mad Dupres will only slow them down as they attempt to bring the Squirrel Enforcement Army to the future. As Lovey assists Dupres in restraining the insane double, forcing him into an arcane pet carrier, he asks, " So who is this friend you're sending him to?" "She's someone who thought she loved me once." Dupres responded thoughtfully. "But I could not love her . . . Not in my right mind, that is." "And you think she won't know the difference?" Lovey quipped. "It doesn't matter," sighed Dupres, "She'll take care of him until I can find another way to deal with this." "But you said you can't control the tree of time." Lovey reminded. "That's true, but it's the only chance he has." And with that, Dupres carefully addressed the label on the pet carrier to: Janet Reno, Dade County, FL. When Lovey saw the name, he recoiled in horror," Not her!" This is all HER fault!" He informed Dupres that it was Reno who finally captured him in 2001, though Lovey did not know the details. Further and more disturbing was finding out that Reno had been cloned and a creature known as the 'Terminatress' was born. Super-human clones of Reno - military assassins that would stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Dupres finds that he is very impressed with his old/new friend Lovey 343. After all, the Lovey he knew in 2001 was a total idiot. Somehow cloning had improved on his overall abilities and particularly his I Q. He wondered, what if the same held true for Reno? Later at the museum, Lovey and Dupres hoisted the pet carrier into the branches of the ancient tree. Dupres, hoping beyond hope that his mad, helpless self would somehow melt the heart of the woman who would bring him to this end. To be continued . . .
  19. You have been banging on about ?? "WINDOWS 7 FOR IDIOTS like me" er hum ... I think that installing windows 7 with the xp issues would be more than a handfull for the op at the moment, besides has the op got enough ram to run 7 ?? As you say more info needed... OP download a system tool like Belarc advisor and put up the results on here using page capture or copy and paste and we can advise you more, after you buy or get a free 10 gig hard drive...
  20. Do you know anything about bios settings ? It would help if you do then you can buy a new drive from a car boot that will cost you about £5 and bung a fresh install of xp on that so you can get into control panel and system settings on your corrupted disc that is the issue then implement software that will fix the problem ! As someone often says on here "GOOGLE IS YOUR FRIEND" but torrent sites are your lover
  21. CATCH 22 or BARBARELLA (hu uu uuu uuu uuur Jane Fonda) Watch some idiot post a snide comment now and get away with it....
  22. Try Googling "FORUMUP" its free and what you make it
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