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Everything posted by Venkman

  1. Can I strongly recommend The Red Deer pub. They have some of the best vegan options around in my opinion, especially the sweet potato, ginger and cashew burger (which they'll but in a gluten free bun given notice) and some brill Sunday lunch option. It's also just a really good friendly and cosy pub in my opinion. I know you were after a restaurant but (as a vegan meself) I find this is a great place for me and my omnivore friends to go without anybody not being able to get the sort of thing they want! Beyond that, I can only really think of various asian restaurants that would be more one size fits all for your family. Hope you find somewhere (and please do share if you find somewhere else good too!)
  2. Brill - hadn't realised it was the management of the Rutland Arms taking over. Even more exciting that they'll hopefully be doing food. (The Rutland's Bhaji Butty is incredible!) Will make sure to pop in as I don't overly get on with a lot of the pubs in Crookes anyway and usually head to Broom Hill... now I can go in the other direction too.
  3. I was in here the other week, they've had a bit of a refurb which is cool but the cakes are all just as tasty - peanut butter and popcorn was incredible. And good old chocolate never goes amiss. And very good coffee!
  4. Hey soot, I'll join Maelstrom in recommending the Vegan Approach event as it means you can get all the info (and encouragement) you might need to see if it's for you over the course of a month! It's also worth saying that becoming vegan isn't something you need to do overnight. I've been fully vegan for about five years and its gotten easier and easier in Sheffield to order straight from menus - plus it's just opened up a new way of thinking about food and made me a much, much better cook! The main thing is to remember it's an ideal - if you're trying to become vegan but occasionally have a crappy day and can't be bothered to hunt around for some dairy-free chocolate to make yourself feel better, the main thing isn't to beat yourself up. If you want any specific advice, please feel free to DM as well! Cheers.
  5. I absolutely love the hot and sour soups and the one on the menu you linked to looks great! Everything veggie on the menu looks delish to be honest. I would probably order the aubergine in yellow bean sauce, yum! Plus anything you like in a decent red or green thai curry sauce is always going to be great and I particularly love sauces with coconut milk and lime and peanut so there was another curry dish on there that had my name on it! Looks great.
  6. I'm getting married at Wood Lane Countryside Centre in Rivelin Valley next year http://www.woodlanecc.org.uk/WebProducts.aspx?CATID=WED
  7. I keep hearing nice things about Brezza's near Henry's/John Lewis. Anyone been?
  8. Nice blog, Claret - keep meaning to check out Orient Express every time I go past on the bus. A shame Orient Express' website isn't working yet - will have to check out the menu next time I'm on foot (speaking of which, I'll probably pass on the chicken feet, being veggie )
  9. If you're ever in Broomhill, Cream is very very good for coffees. I've never bothered with the food as that is v pricey, IMO - but the coffee tastes great whether you're having it black or as latte/cappucino etc. I also genuinely like the coffee in Costa too but don't like Starbucks as the way they over-roast their coffee really doesn't agree with me. Coffee Revolution is also very good.
  10. This place sounds great. Is there an address for the place (for those of us who don't know London road so well - ie. Where Harrison's Camera shop is!) I wish I was naturally in London Road more often. Although I'd probably be a bit fatter!
  11. Missed your post originally but I was there and thought it was fantastic. Anyone else go?
  12. Will definitely go and see Hallowe'en on the big screen!
  13. Alternatively, the Old House will always be my favourite place to go in town, providing it's not a friday/saturday night. Perhaps not as cheap as some places, but I'll always happily pay for their chip butty and take advantage of their Staropramen for £2.40 from 5-9pm.
  14. Showroom Cinema bar. Also sometimes have live music on a sunday afternoon.
  15. I'm glad the Notty's open again. I love having the York, Fox & Duck, Nottingham House and the Tav there for every eventuality!
  16. Pho 68 is one of my favourite places to eat in the city. No, I haven't been to Vietnam (egad, but I'd love to though!) but in the meantime, I enjoy the food, the service and the environment of Pho 68 (and especially that they'll put whatever you can't manage from their massive set menus into a takeaway package for you!) No, it is not a piece of Vietnam here in Sheffield, but it is a nice place with a food cafe atmosphere.
  17. Rutland Arms (and it's 2 mins from train station). The food is really good value (I can't recommend anything more than the bhaji butty!!) plus it's a lovely pub. Full menu here http://www.rutlandarmspeople.co.uk/w/doku.php?id=menu:start
  18. Chinese leaf lettuce is a lot hardier and lasts longer in my fridge so last until I do my fortnightly-ish shop again and are pretty much the base for my salads. Similarly, carrots should last you that long. I find the ones at some supermarkets don't so it might be worth spending a few pennies more at your nearest grocer (it still works out cheaper than throwing stuff away!)
  19. I didn't realise how much I needed this until I knew it was here
  20. Here's that review from the Star btw: http://www.thestar.co.uk/lifestyle/food-and-drink/food_review_browns_8_12_st_paul_s_parade_sheffield_s1_2jl_telephone_0114_276_6710_1_3411461
  21. No, it definitely isn't - as I say, this wasn't aimed at you but was me railing against much more of a general attitude that seems to pervade lunch hours round Sheffield. Same for the people who look at me stunned that their latte isn't ready when I've only just handed them their change. Milk doesn't go from refrigerated to near-boiling in a split-second, y'know
  22. Oooh, fantastic. I hadn't realised Buon Deli had closed though. I've heard good things about East & West but rarely make it to Abbeydale Rd!
  23. I haven't been to the new Brown's yet so maybe it is just them being slow - but 'we only have an hour for lunch' complaint really irks me. - Firstly, your hour for lunch is probably the same hour for lunch that everyone else has so it's going to be busy. - Then it's usually a group of people so the covers need to come out as a table. There will always be someone who orders something that takes longer than the other dishes to prepare so the other dishes wait/other orders jump the queue while that's cooking. - Also, as much as everyone bangs on about microwaves, maybe there's actual cooking going on too. This takes time. Even just a portion of chips takes longer if they're not from pre-cooked frozen ones or the 'thrice-cooked' chips (ie - they've already been cooked and are just heated up again in hot oil) As I say, I haven't been to Browns so this isn't aimed at original poster specifically (especially as i don't know half the details), but I definitely think some people need to realise that, unless you *do* want fast, frozen food or a canteen style eatery, maybe an hour ISN'T ENOUGH TIME to prepare and eat the sort of meal you want AND get to and from your workplace. Rant over
  24. Will definitely head to the Lokanta stall. I've always fancied everything on the starter menu but less so the mains due to being fussy Also very interested in the growing your own stuff in tiny spaces. We've managed a pretty good herb garden considering we live in a flat, but growing stuff like chillies etc would be grand so will be after any tips. All looks a lot of fun though!
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