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Everything posted by hettiechloe

  1. Bet your life it'll all end up being Maggies fault
  2. Makes you wonder then, how many questionairs were completed and returned out of how many distributed.
  3. Oh, I'm afraid they are my friend, particularly the ones who kill indiscriminatly in the name of God/Allah or whatever you want to call him/her/ it.
  4. ...or written it. I would have thought the "Mods" are far better mannered.
  5. The problem is (and we see it week in and week out) that people are sick to death of seeing punishments not fitting the crime. Only the other week we saw Judge Goldsack pass a 2 year sentance on a youth for punching a bloke 'cause he wouldn't give him a ciggi. The punch felled this poor bloke and knocked him under a moving car which killed him. Anyone who thought this was a proportionate sentance is really lacking in any sense of reality. I expect, going on current trends, for this youth to get a small fine and perhaps a bit on community service.....at worse. What he should get (in my opinion) is not a fine as his family would possibly pay it for him, but a long term community service order where he works in a hospital for wouded servicemen and women; in the hope that this scrote is re-educated.
  6. 1) Sorry but I don't see you rubbishing it either, you are definately defending the proposal. 2) indeed they may be 3) You see, you're getting vague again, "extended period of years". Extended to me says "lots" therefore isn't it prudent to say that "many" of these complaints will be from the same people and not "dozens" of different people?
  7. Yet you seem to remember it was a steady stream! So, this "steady stream" ....one per day, 20 per week, 10,000 per year? Surely you must remember some figures or how can you state it was a steady stream? Oh, and don't call me ridiculous, you are supposed to be in the know about these schemes, being involved with some in the past, and as far as I can see you are the only one bolstering up the councils stance on this project, or at the very least seem to be championing the project. Or is it because you don't like answering "difficult" questions?
  8. So if you know this as a fact you'll know how many. How many?
  9. So, to re-cap We are being asked to fork out £10 - £35 per annum plus an extra 20p for visitors so we may, or may not be able to park in our street or area......or we pay nothing at all, for the same benefits and priviledges. Seems a no brainer to me!
  10. Saw one on the Ure about six weeks ago (Newby Hall). Very rare this far North.
  11. So are we being told that the police or the traffic enforcers don't normaly patrol these streets.....also, what about the fines generated by ticketing non permit holders, where does that money go to? Seems a pretty lucrative business this resident only parking malarky.
  12. What I can't understand is why (I believe) no one has asked the question "why should I have to pay to park in my street when previously it was free...what is this charge for exactly?
  13. Irwin Mitchell are a multi-national company and as such demand a high quality first contact member of staff. Someone dee dahin just doesn't cut it I'm afraid.
  14. Not saying he was right, just wondering if you were prepared to endanger his life and your life by making him collide with something.....?
  15. What do your kids have to do with it? Are you saying you wouldn't have bothered taking any sort of action to avoid a collision and that you would have deliberately forced this other person to crash...possibly killing himself? Perhaps you could clear this up. Ta
  16. Our immigrant fraternity ate all the ducks......and fish!
  17. There's a place for art and it isn't on someones private property
  18. They're just as happy with a couple of egyptian pounds..and cheaper for you
  19. If you follow the rule of ...if you can peel it, peel it, dont drink the tap water it's highly chlorinated..which gives you a tum upset. Don't eat the local ice cream, ensure the ice in your drink comes from a filtered supply (if in doubt, ask) Try to keep away from ice cool drinks in the hot climate, they too can give you a tum upset. More tum upsets are from not following the above rules of thumb, rather than from infection. Usual rules of personal hygene apply.
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