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Everything posted by jaycee331

  1. It was definitely there. See here : https://web.archive.org/web/20160111193414/http://www.doggyden.co.uk/ The Internet Wayback Archive Machine is a brilliant tool for verifying things like this The Internet never forgets!
  2. Can you assure any potential clients that all licenses, personnel training, insurances and local authority inspections are in place? There's very little to go on from that web link. It is my understanding that all premises offering the the boarding of dogs on a commercial basis must hold an animal boarding license. As per https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/dms/scc/management/corporate-communications/documents/business-industry/licensing/animals/DAY-CARE-BOARDING-CONDITIONS-FOR-DOGS/Day%20Care%20Boarding%20Conditions%20For%20Dogs.doc LICENCE CONDITIONS FOR DAY CARE BOARDING ESTABLISHMENTS FOR DOGS "Unless otherwise stated, these conditions shall apply to all buildings and areas to which dogs have access and/or which are used in association with the day care boarding of dogs." As per those licensing conditions, have the host families been professionally trained in canine behaviour and welfare? Are they trained in canine first aid?
  3. I noticed that the doggy den used to have a big "recommended by the RSPCA" logo on their website. It's not there any more. I wonder what that tells us...?
  4. I bow to your experience in the industry. But without knowing any better, isn't oil extraction a "cleaner" process to fracking? Doesn't fracking involve pumping masses of filthy caustic chemicals into the earth that can subsequently pollute the water table?
  5. What a terrible name It just conjures doom and gloom. "Hey I'm going to the Graves tonight". It's hardly a name that fills you with joy and excitement is it? Graves + Leisure? Coming soon the Unhappy Meal the Late Bus the Careless Barber
  6. If the organisers stated "No alcohol or firework devices including sparklers will be allowed into the event. Such items will be confiscated prior to entry and not returned on exit.", but had no realistic or comprehensive means to do so, I do think it would be worth raising this with the licensing authority. That's not weasel wording, it's a very absolute statement that has allegedly proved to be untrue. They probably HAVE to make assurances like that to get their license. But if they are making promises they cannot keep, that can't go down well for them surely. Failing to do so is a health & safety breach too. I think I'd definitely be knocking on the council's door about this one. I'd also consider making a Freedom of Information request against the council to discover if they had any other complaints or concerns raised. On the off chance they did, AND they let it go ahead next year that would put the council in a pretty damning position. Could also use an FOI to ask how the council vet the organisers and the promises made when granting a license. Police = yes but no real chance of them ID'ing the culprits so no, waste of time The security company = they're just middle man, and as a sub-contracted resource they answer to the organisers not me and you. Ultimate responsibility stops with the organisers. The organisers = yes, but expect to get ignored, fobbed off or given a load of flowery assurances about how concerned they are, won't happen again, blah blah. So no. Go over their heads to the people who grant their licenses, make it a public safety issue and potentially failure to comply with the terms of the license. What more could be done? They could pay for a police presence, they could setup some temporary CCTV towers to cover the crowd. But then prices will double? Tough. Safety costs money. Can't have it both ways.
  7. Well, true. But I don't know a single console owner who has one. I have to ask though - do all console FPS games support a mouse+keyboard option by default, or it is up to the mercy of the developers who choose whether to offer mouse+keyboard support on a game by game basis? I can imagine there isn't enough mass penetration on consoles (of M+K users) for devs to bother. And don't forget they need to include on a game by game basis the option to configure keyboard and mouse mappings... do all games really have this?
  8. Gets my vote every time! Though obviously not everyone can afford to spend the price on a console just on a PC graphics card. But what I find a lot of console gamers are in denial about is that within 6-12 months of any next gen console, the latest PC hardware will be way out back in front. And of course First Person Shooters were invented on the PC, and in my view have to be played with a mouse and keyboard. You can't get any kind of quick aim precision with a joypad, so they have to compensate with things like auto-aim and aim-snapping which I feel takes something away from the experience.
  9. Dear oh dear. So you work in retail, and don't have the first clue about the law, data protection and the incompatibility between that and the policies of a retail store - and you're the one calling people arrogant? You are judging the issue using independant common sense instead of looking at what the law says. Which makes you 100% part of the problem I'm afraid. I'm very familiar with the issue having seen it debated before on other sites. Basically, many stores have a policy that insists that the employee must capture the name and address of a customer requiring a refund. They do this to try and catch people abusing or frauding the refund system. Fine in itself, but not fine when it is an infringement of consumer rights. I didn't write the law so that's their problem, not mine. SUCH POLICY IS A VIOLATION OF CONSUMER RIGHTS. As others have said, consumers have the right, without such condition, to return faulty goods for an immediate refund. Any store that refuses to process a faulty return because the customer refuses to give their name and address are in breach of the Sale of Goods Act - it stipulates NO SUCH CONDITION. Paranoid, nothing to hide blah blah blah. Not the point at all. It's a basic point of law and negligent business practice. Everyone should challenge this, everywhere. p.s. Any business who collect any personally identifable information from customers, must have registered itself with the Information Commissioners Office as a data processor. Data is being collected illegally if not.
  10. Thanks Mafya. Yes I agree she sounded good and original. But as suggested two posts above, perhaps it's too early to tell if she's pop star material versus more of a career in musical comedy?
  11. ROFL! Nothing so exciting for me. Just going to use the time to cross a few household jobs of the to do list. Even if there were free tickets available to get to the seaside, I'd be too worried about the weather to be honest. Last report I saw earlier tonight suggested a better day on Sunday but return of the rain and storms on Monday.
  12. Darn I was only half watching. I can only tolerate the X Factor enough to have it on in the background. Was she the one with on guitar singing the witty song?
  13. I normally abide spelling pedants. But that made me LOL. High Five bruv!
  14. It's the delivery drivers who have my concern. I can't even begin to imagine the amount of abandoned deliveries, orders made without the cash to pay and generally just having to deal with people, who by nature of the trade, are most likely off the skulls. I was at a party once when someone ordered in. I felt truly embarrassed as the delivery driver was standing around for seemingly AGES whilst people figured out who ordered what, who owed what and tried to pull the money together. You'll also get people so wasted they can't remember what they ordered etc. Rough job if you ask me, and I'd suggest that you factor in the potential for wasted deliveries and difficult customers.
  15. I find it very hard to separate Sky News or BBC News nowadays. Same formats, same stories. ITV News is just awful. Comes across a bit tabloid to me. I guess the winners have to be C4 news and Newsnight, which give proper insight and features on the days stories. Not just a 2 minute sound bite repeated every 7.5 minutes!
  16. Football attracts trouble causing scum? Who'd have thought it? Whatever next! That's why I have no time for the sport. Nor can I understand what's wrong with people’s lives where the result of a GAME is so important that it can drive people to violence. Or the marked territory of pubs that are a no-go for away supporters etc. I find the whole thing utterly pathetic. Nothing but tribal thuggary.
  17. Unfortunately I find the Paralympics to be just a vanity project born out of guilt and sympathy. Won't be watching. Political Correctness tells me I should be interested and supporting it. **** that.
  18. LOL. Another pukka thread degenerated into pedantic personal argument. Not remotely useful.
  19. I would be very interested also in hearing from anyone who's given it a try. Only spotted it recently myself.
  20. I'll bite and offer a hyopthesis on the claim that weekly black bin collections can continue for some. Age and health related I think. When wheelie bins, then subsequently fortnightly collection, were introduced where my parents live in N.Yorks, they offerred discretion at each stage for the eldery, or those in properties that simply didn't suit a wheelie bin such as being built high up from road level with 20 concecrete steps inbetween the pavement and the bin storage. I can only assume it's something like that.
  21. Afraid I can't directly answer you question. But on a related note, I gave up on T-Cut years ago. I remember using it on my first couple of cars in the early 90's. My god it worked, you knew it was working because of the distressing amount of paint colour coming off on the cloth. I don't know if T-Cut has got weaker or it's the change in the formulation of paint on modern cars (I'm sure they changed from lead-based to lead-free paint at some point) but I've found that it doesn't do squat nowadays. I've tried T-Cut original and T-Cut metallic and it can't even cut through the laquer never mind the paint. That might be why you found it so painful to achieve results? The ColourMagic or T-Cut Colour polishes are as good as any for home use and help restore the colour and get the scratches out, but still only good for real minor surface scratches. What you really need to use is rubbing compound and a motorised polisher for the worst bits, than a real good polish to finish. Any car valet place should offer a "full works" with polish, but it sounds like you're after more than a basic polish. Other than that I could only guess at hiring any of those mobile "chip-away" people, they'll have the rubbing compond and and tools etc. But I'd imagine they would charge by the panel and it'll get quite expensive very quickly.
  22. Technology for the sake of it if you ask me. What practical purpose does it serve to be able to upload photo's in real-time? So it can fuel more ego's with the "ooh look at me, I'm in a pub having fun aren't I just awesome"... And so what if some party photo's get shared a day later through more traditional methods? I think it's also highly invasive for people to instantly tag their friends in photo's in perhaps compromising positions without their consent. So no, not for me. This isn't progress, it's just invasive pointless nonsense that solves a problem that never really existed to begin with.
  23. Ok I'm no cooker engineer, but usually you need a moving part to make noise. And the only moving part in an oven is the fan, so it's possible then fan has suffered from a catastrophic failure, perhaps also burning out the fan motor which caused a short and trashed the electrics. I had my oven fan fail, it was actually the heating element around it that had warped and was catching the fan blades and eventually the fan could turn no more. That was about £80 for a man in a van repair, luckily the fan was fine and it just needed the heating element replacing. But I remember being warned if the fan and motor have gone that could be around the £150 ballpark. Double that and you've got a brand new oven.
  24. But you wonder where they get it from. They see their role model "idols" doing this on the football pitch pretty much every weekend. I don't watch footy enough to offer a recent example but I remember some years ago watching a match where the camera cut to a Rooney close-up and what did we get... SPIT. It's no wonder people act this way when they see their hero's doing the same, they probably think it makes them cool.
  25. I've always been slightly interested in Jazz. I don't own any, and couldn't name a single artist. Nor would I know the different styles etc but I'm keen to learn. I went to a wedding reception years ago and they had a Jazz band playing and I found it to be a wonderful not-too-loud chillout background music. I've always thought a Jazz bar would be a fantastic place to drink and relax as an alternative to the usual Fri/Sat night anti-social BOOM BOOM BOOM ear-bleeding crap that it hard to avoid nowadays. I don't suppose we have such a place round these parts?
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