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Everything posted by coopster1974

  1. So bin the pills! Bet they dont give you that kick in the back of the throat like an e-cig does! That's the one thing I missed when I tried other NRT.
  2. Get one of these bought http://www.e-cigs.co.uk or http://www.theelectroniccigarette.co.uk
  3. Bingo - in 16 years I will own every brick! Can renters say the same? BTW when I said council house I meant any rented property.
  4. I just had the same thing done down at Van Shaiks for £50!
  5. Just had the SWFC badge on my right arm by Dave at Van Schaiks (sic). Very pleased I must say!
  6. Only just seen this thread. If you check my posts you'll see that I can sometimes be a sarcastic git and post comments just to stir it up. However all I can say to you is good luck because by the sounds of it you're going to need all the strength and PMA you can muster.
  7. I believe the "missing" £30 will go towards the costs of the acts - they dont come for free you know.
  8. My dad worked, or was it drank there for years up until they shut it down.
  9. Who said that Meadowhall is eventually going to be a prison??? What tosh - can you imagine how big the cells would be if the front of them are where the shop fronts are???
  10. Went to Sharm el Sheik last year, saw Bobby Knutt in the airport and shouted "ey up Knutty". Turned out it was Bobby Ball!!! Well its the curly hair n tache - they all look alike!
  11. Just moved from there back to Hillsborough, best thing we ever did.
  12. Could you repeat that? Didnt quite catch it the first time round
  13. If anybody's interested I'll lend them mine for a fiver.
  14. I remember when the music stopped and the place started emptying, if you were one of the stragglers you'd get drops of sweat that had condensed dropping from the ceiling - nice!!!
  15. Jim - how could it have been a fling? you're gay! enjoy your week off matey and think of me on nights this weekend with Mrs P
  16. Try Sheffield Window Centre, they've just finished ours. See my other posts for a pic. Bit more expensive but same old story - ya get what ya pay for. Whatever you do DO NOT get a Wickes one, the roof pitch is too shallow.
  17. Well it is over 3 pages long so yes you might be right!!! I think it is more to do with the rareity of the car. I think a similar thread would arise if there was a Ferrari Enzo in the city, or an Aston Martin Shooting Brake (thats the AM estate) - very very rare. Lighten up.
  18. When you find the flooring you're after, make a note of the name and buy it off t'internet. I've priced some up and stand to save £900
  19. When I worked for a dodgy window company I knocked on the door of the little chuckle brother and almost sold him a conservatory.
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