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Everything posted by unistudent

  1. i love making choc chip brioche with marmalade bread and butter pudding, but i do cheat and use a big tub of ready made vanilla custard, mixed up with a carton of double cream. so good!
  2. I always wonder why the bride-to-be doesn't tell the groom in exact detail what she wants before they agree to do this?
  3. I absolutely LOVE Charlie and Lola - and i don't even have any kids! I blame my sister, although she's only 2 years younger than me so that doesn't actually make it any better. Can't beat a bit of the original Bill and Ben though - want to spray weedkiller on the new versions!
  4. Heath.........absolutely brilliant! I had a debate (read fight) with my stepdad after seeing the film - he insisted that any half decent actor would have been just as good, that the part and the script is more important, and whilst I agreed to a certain extent (someone has to put words in the actor's mouths after all), I can't see many people being willing to follow Heath's performance - completely mesmerising, he owned the screen and anytime he was in a scene and the camera wasn't on him, you wanted it to be on him - ('I wanna see the joker's reaction to what batman is saying!'). I always thought he was great - Brokeback Mountain is fantastic, Nekro! Slightly off-topic, there is a facebook group called 'I'd kill off Amy Winehouse to bring back Heath Ledger'...................but somehow I don't think it works like that!
  5. I think that's your answer! It's really none of your business who she chooses to marry if he makes her happy (I'm sure we've all disliked our friends' choice of partner at one point or another) - what are you hoping to achieve by telling her this? The best thing you can do is support her (AND him) and be there if things do go wrong (hopefully you'll be proven wrong and they'll live happily ever after). Talk about waiting until the 11th hour if you do decide to talk to her..........
  6. i have a recipe somewhere for peanut butter chocolate truffle cookies - i'll dig it out cos they're delicious!
  7. I love making any kind of dessert, especially cheesecake! And jambalaya is also great - really easy, throw everything in a pot stuff!
  8. Why not have a trial run beforehand, as you would with hair and makeup? That way you can see how it'll look, make sure you won't have a reaction, and you can decide how many layers to go for etc so it won't be such a shock on the big day! Helena at My Urban Beauty (.co.uk) is great, I'd thoroughly recommend her for tanning, waxing, manicure, pedicure etc.
  9. The Notebook! It's not just me, I went to see it in the cinema and I swear everyone in there was sobbing. Also The Green Mile always makes me teary!
  10. Just to give you all an update........ we have been to the vets and it is mites (she started to get really scratchy and the patches were spreading), so i've got some drops to give her. Originally she was going to have 4 injections 10 days apart but the vet just dropped the stuff onto her instead...........then suggested i come back three more times to have them do that! The things they do to get more money off you........I've got the drops now so can do it myself at home and hopefully she'll be all better soon
  11. it's really not! i asked for a latte and it came with less milk than i'd have in my americano!
  12. Thanks everyone, the skin underneath is normal and she doesn't smell, but I'll have a rummage around on the net for some more info! Thanks for that offer Peaches, I'm in essex at the moment though so a bit far to go!Thanks for your help
  13. Thanks for your replies. It's one patch on each hip, I think about the size and shape of the last knuckle of my little finger (sorry thats the best way I can think of to describe it!). So I guess that rules out scent glands and I'm in for a trip to the vet! There is so much for her to do in her cage, she's probably more spoiled than any human child but I think she just loves to chew the bars! Neither her haunches or her nose seem to be bothering her though, so will keep an eye on her and if she doesn't re-hair then I'll get her checked. Thanks again
  14. I'm in two minds about wags to be honest - went with friends friday lunchtime for the first time, they are big fans. I had miso soup (I always wondered) and the chicken/veg/noodle/coconut soup, and we shared some duck gyoza too. The food was ok, but I HATED the writing on the menu thing they've got going on, and while the seating was ok for us during the day when it was quiet, I wouldn't want to go in the evening when it's busier and be sat next to other people on the same table. Good hangover food I think but thats about it. A fair point about it being about fast food not long drawn out meals but it also felt totally soulless, no attempt to make the restaurant any different from any of their other branches (thats how it felt anyway, not speaking from experience!)
  15. Hi I'm graduating in July and would like to go for lunch afterwards somewhere that is sheffield if you know what I mean? No chains please, just somewhere nice where I can celebrate my (hopefully) good results with my family as a last meal in sheffield! Preferably somewhere fairly central, walking distance from the octagon would be perfect! Thankyou ps - dam house has been vetoed!
  16. Hi all I've been away for a week, leaving my parents to look after the hamster, and have come back to find her chubby (she's very spoiled by them, god knows what it'll be like when I have real human children!), and with some bald patches. Before I left there was a small one on her nose as she chews the bars of her cage and forces her nose through the gaps, which explains that, but she now has matching bald spots on her haunches. She hasn't been acting strangely, eating well etc., I'm just a bit concerned. Is a trip to the vet in order? She is about 9 months old. Thankyou!
  17. I love the scene in Love Actually with all the musicians and choir singing 'All You Need is Love'...........ok so nearly impossible to arrange in two weeks but it always makes me swoon!
  18. my hamster's called fred......she's a sweetie!
  19. sorry if i'm hijacking but i think my hammie's nails need clipping, she's got all scratchy on me! any tips? thanks in advance
  20. I definitely agree you should let her read what she wants - within reason, obviously there will be limits! I loved Enid Blyton when I was younger, and went through a phase of reading the teenage 'chick-lit' already mentioned - sweet valley high, nancy drew etc. I also LOVE judy blume, not too condescending and actually deals with stuff kids want to know about (although I do remember crying A LOT after reading one of them). Good thing about that author is that she writes for different age ranges so your granddaughter can move up as she gets older. I'd also say encourage her to read lots of different styles - that's the only way she'll discover her tastes and might find a new favourite. Of course you'll want her to read 'good' books like the classics but there's nothing wrong with reading a rubbish book every now and again, it reminds you how good the others are. Good luck
  21. hmm...if they're loose and fall off you can get sports bands to help keep them on her head, but it doesn't sound like that's your problem! it'll get better, i've been wearing them since age 8 and now work for a high street optician.....i love glasses and hardly ever wear my lenses! more and more kids say to me 'i want glasses' when they come in with the parents and i have to say 'why would you want specs?' if you can keep them on her, kids look so cute with specs on!
  22. i'd love to be able to afford to buy free range/organic meat and poultry but due to being a student i can't afford to - you can only live on beans on toast for so long! i know it's no excuse but my stopping buying battery farmed meat won't stop tesco stocking it - i'm just one person! as soon as i can afford to i'll happily buy the happiest chickens i can find but until then, needs must (and before anyone comments, i don't 'stuff my face' with cheap meat rather than buy higher quality and eat it less often, i eat it maybe 1-2 times per week if that!)
  23. Hi Can anyone suggest a nice restaurant for lunch after my graduation this summer? A failsafe steak option would be a plus as my boyfriend is EXTREMELY picky about his food! Thanks in advance
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