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Everything posted by SpeedDemon

  1. He's gorgeous. I have a couple of experienced people in mind, will let them know
  2. Out of interest, did you buy your puppy from a breeder on lowedges?
  3. Can you get to handsworth? Forward for kids has a toddler session Monday Wednesday n Friday. I go Fridays with my 3 year old n I'm also in S12
  4. Pretty sure they sell them at the mill garden centre in chesterfield
  5. Wow that's good. Will be in touch if I can persuade the hubby to get away. I presume you are insured and crb checked?
  6. That's why I say build one yourself, or ask someone to build one for you that is tailor made for a frenchie's needs. The bigger the better
  7. Probably better to build them yourself for frenchies as most ready made hutches are too small. The rabbit should be able to stand up on its back legs n most hutches don't have the height to allow this. 6 foot length is the absolute minimum a frenchie should be kept in by probably around 2 feet deep. I built all mine when I bred frenchies, and just made a 6 foot tall x 6 foot wide frame n split that into 2 hutches, height wise
  8. I'll PM u his number. He does have a black one too
  9. Maybe need to be lookin at a Maine coon if u want all black long hair. I know someone in Sheffield who breeds them but like others have said, breeders dont generally let them go til 13 weeks, in line with GCCF guidelines. They're usually available to view and reserve with a deposit before that tho. If you're interested I will find you their details.
  10. Pmsl he's only evil if u get him out! But he does stare and that would scare you lol
  11. Thanks for that Joy, does it go on the number of pets you have? What kind of service do you get for that? And do u have loads of animals like me?
  12. I'm thinking we might quite like a week away this year. Can anyone give me a rough idea of how much it would cost to see to 3 dogs, 7 indoor cats, a parrot and 3 chickens? I think I would need someone to stay in the house, unless they were prepared to do a final visit around 10.30pm and a morning visit about 7, as that's roughly when the dogs are used to going out for a wee.
  13. Haha yes he said he was watching her on the field n hoping she would come over for a hug. I think doggy hugs are the only thing that keep him going when he has to work at weekends lol
  14. Medusa - he said he saw you - was it the "I have a GSD and a saint Bernard" that gave away who he was? Lol Katkin, the bags of CSJ I use are only 11 quid a bag so you wouldn't be losing a fortune if you were to try it. Gill, the woman I collect from is very knowledgable and helpful over which type to try too. Worth giving her a ring n getting some advice?
  15. I totally understand where you're coming from Daisyboo. Just sometimes these things descend into an insulting rant without getting the facts first. Surely the best way to educate people is not by jumping down their throat as that only gets people's backs up and then they don't listen to reason. When I bred rabbits, I bred for show but it was also an enjoyable hobby, albeit on a very small scale compared to a lot of breeders. As with my cats, they were all well cared for and I kept in touch with owners and would have taken them back if there had been a problem. I never ever made any money from them as all of the sale Money, plus LOADS more went straight back into caring for them and providing over a thousand pounds worth of shed for them to live in. Rescue people have the animals welfare at heart I know, but believe me so do a lot of breeders.
  16. Katkin have u tried CSJ? Our GSD was on burns cos his stomach can be dodgy but I changed him to CSJ about 2 years ago n he's been fine with it. Soooo much cheaper than burns too
  17. Awww she's lovely. I have a friend who breeds Akitas n some of hers are that kind of colouring. Beautiful x
  18. Contracts ain't worth the paper they're written on. Unless of course, you're prepared to keep a check on the animal throughout its life, and try taking the owner to court if they do breed from them. People DO breed, both badly and carefully. Get over it. I breed ragdolls who are health checked regularly, tested for diseases, live in our home and sleep on our beds. They're very well loved and cared for but I don't tend to publicise it on here much these days because of the rudeness and ignorance of the anti breeding brigade. I am still in touch with everyone who's had a kitten from me and I'm always here for support. Not very often I rant on here but frankly I'm sick of the know it all's dragging people down without them knowing the facts. No wonder people are put off asking for advice on here!
  19. Will try n have a bit more time to spare next time
  20. Hi - try emailing Jane at Upton Lops (.co.uk) she is out pontefract way but she maybe able to point you in the right direction of a BRC breeder. I used to breed French n mini lops but haven't done for about 5 years now so I'm a bit out of the loop. Is there nothing listed on the BRC website?
  21. I like Fay, Rae, Mae, Lois, lily, probably better to keep to a short name. My eldest daughters middle name is marielouise after her Belgian great grandma n she had a hell of a time learning to spell it at school lol
  22. Wow that was early! Might be able to collect mine this afternoon if that's any good to you. I'm off to the toddler group in handsworth this morning so could collect on way back. Will drop u a text later
  23. I too used to feed burns until we got a 2nd dog n then a 3rd. It got too expensive n I've been feeding CSJ for over 2 years now. At around £11 a sack, must be at least a quarter of the price of burns now
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